Categories: Beauty

3 Common Fine Hair Care Mistakes You Make Too

Fine hair is not yet a sentence. Maybe your hair looks worse than it should because you’re making these common grooming mistakes.

Here are three mistakes to avoid when maintaining fine hair.

1. Too many beauty products

Of course, fine hair needs special care to stay healthy and strong. However, excessive use of various masks, foams and other products can also be counterproductive. Washing your hair too often or using too many products can dry out the scalp and make hair brittle. You should also avoid blow-drying your hair and straightening it, as the heat puts extra pressure on your hair. Instead, it is recommended to use mild care products and only wash your hair once every few days. Care products such as hairspray, mousse and dry shampoo also remain on the hair and destroy the already fine structure of the hair.


2. Lack of scalp care

Fine hair is often particularly sensitive and quickly becomes oily. So not only the hair itself needs care, but also the scalp. After all, she is the key to beautiful and strong hair. Regular care stimulates blood circulation, which in turn promotes hair growth. Dry or irritated scalp can also cause dandruff and itching, which is uncomfortable and “tenses” the hair, robbing it of volume. Special shampoos and scalp care products can help here, which will strengthen the hair from the roots.

3. Washing your hair too often

Fine hair can be very fragile and break or fall out quickly. For this reason, it is important not to wash your hair too often. After all, frequent shampooing can only aggravate the situation. Also, the chemical ingredients in the shampoo can cause additional stress and damage the hair. It is recommended to wash your hair only every two to three days using a mild shampoo. These regular treatments can strengthen the hair and give it more volume.

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Source: The Voice Mag