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Dr. Choi: “In Oriental Medicine, Multitasking Is Considered to Be the Cause of Many Health Problems”


Progress in traditional medicine is steadily moving forward, people began to monitor their health more – but the number of diseases does not decrease from this, old ones mutate, and new ones appear. What is it connected with? What problems of our time are the main ones for the human body?

People now live in conditions of accelerating the rhythm of life, and it requires multitasking. And what do we have as a result? Stress. Information overload. Disharmony. Panic attacks. Neurasthenia. All this provokes health problems and spoils the quality of life. Unlike traditional medicine, in oriental medicine it is believed that multitasking is the cause of many problems.

What are the ways out of the funnel of multitasking and subsequent normalization of the state of all systems?

According to Eastern philosophy, you need to “slow down” the external rhythm. If a person eats, then he only eats, without being distracted by anything. If he sleeps, then he sleeps calmly, as much as he needs. I am glad that now people are really thinking about health: they drink vitamins, dietary supplements, put natural droppers, do yoga and prevent many diseases. However, it’s hard to figure it out on your own. At the heart of my work clinics lie not only the methods of herbal medicine, reflexology, kinesiotherapy, osteopathy, manual therapy and other things – but also communication with the patient. Most of the techniques have a certain basis: with the help of conversations, it is possible to achieve inner harmony, while simultaneously working during procedures with both the body and consciousness.

Does this mean that drug therapy should be abandoned?

No, but it is precisely as a supplement that the fight against diseases with the help of internal resources demonstrates high efficiency. The drugs have side effects. Moreover, there is psychosomatics – these are scientifically proven physical health problems due to psychological ailments. In this case, the pills are powerless, they will only deal with the symptoms, but not with the causes. Through Eastern medicine, one can come to inner peace and physical health, because these concepts are closely related. Turning to our clinic, you will not only lose physical problems, but also achieve inner peace. We always remember that “a healthy mind in a healthy body”, but, unfortunately, the opposite relationship also exists.

What specialties are there in your medical center? What technologies do they use?

Our center – this is, perhaps, one of the unique medical institutions in Russia, which has collected all kinds of advanced treatment technologies for children and their parents in one place. At the same time, we do not use soulless research methods, but we take into account the traditions of Eastern medicine and the discoveries of classical European medicine. We have a huge number of highly specialized specialists, from acupuncturists to psychologists.

As far as we know, you have a unique method of helping children when psychologists work with their parents. What is its feature?

If you, an adult, are multitasking, you are inattentive to details. This is where the cold comes from. It is important to love yourself: to live intuitively, take care of your condition, work on spiritual harmony, integrity – and this, be sure, will be reflected in the body. Moreover, your inner harmony will improve relationships in the family, including with children, and help you cope with difficulties at work.

Is there something that you always advise your patients, regardless of specific situations?

Be sensitive to your health, both physical and mental. And the professionals of the Doctor Choi clinic will be happy to help you solve problems of various etymologies: from back pain to family relationships.

Website of the clinic “Doctor Choi”:

Source: Hellomagazine