Categories: Beauty

What and how to eat so as not to age: 3 unusual secrets of Japanese youth

The Japanese profess a special ideology of life, thanks to which they not only remain thin to old age, but also age much more slowly than Europeans. Here are 3 delicate nutritional principles that help delay the appearance of wrinkles.

Have you noticed that most Japanese women in adulthood look much fresher and younger than their European counterparts? It turns out that there is a completely logical explanation for this: representatives of the Land of the Rising Sun adhere to special food rituals, which help them slow down the aging process. We talk about three unusual anti-aging principles that you should also take a closer look at.

Lack of dairy products in the diet

It is believed that milk and dairy products do not have the best effect on the condition of our skin, which is why many doctors recommend drastically reducing their consumption after 35-40 years. But they are simply not on the menu of most Japanese women, thanks to which, even in adulthood, they can boast of elastic and radiant faces without a hint of deep wrinkles.

The food is served at the table almost raw.

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They eat with chopsticks

Instead of forks, the Japanese use special sticks, thanks to which they eat 20% less per meal than typical Europeans. Eating with chopsticks will slow down the meal, help you focus on the eating process, and get more pleasure from what you eat. Thanks to this approach to nutrition, the Japanese stay at the same weight throughout their lives and look much younger than their peers in other countries.

Photo: Bui Thanh Tam/ Unsplash

Source: The Voice Mag