Categories: Beauty

What professional hairdressers are silent about: how to wash your hair so your hair is thick and shiny

Have you ever wondered why your hair looked so good after going to the salon?

Professional cosmetics are only half the battle. Masters well know that the secret of luxurious curls is their proper washing. So here’s what you need to do!

Avoid washing your hair every day

Too frequent water procedures deprive the hair of the natural oils produced by the scalp. As a result, the epidermis begins to work even more actively to compensate for the losses – and now you are already a happy (un) owner of curls that begin to shine with fat in the evening.

The frequency of washing depends on the type of hair. Shampooing every other day won’t hurt, you can clean it once or twice a week. Do you think that’s not enough? Use dry shampoo between showers.

Use only lukewarm water

A hot shower is a great way to relax, but it will leave your curls dry, lifeless and brittle. Hot water suits them much better – it will “open” the cuticle and remove all the accumulated dirt. Before blotting your head with a towel, rinse it with cold water – such a “prick” will “seal” the cleaned scales.

Buy a shower filter

Do you think beauty requires an investment? Consider buying a shower filter. The water passing through it will not only make your hair healthy, but also benefit your skin – a win-win! Such a device costs about one and a half thousand rubles, and its installation is very simple – you do not need to call a plumber.

Choose a shampoo for your hair type

my head twice

The “First Shampoo” only eliminates external pollution, it is only the second that really cleanses the hair and the scalp.

No circular movements!

You got it right: any shampoo ad is a counter-instruction that shows how not to wash your hair. No circular friction: apply the product to the hair in one direction, smooth over the skin with the fingers in the same longitudinal movements.

Want to make your job easier? Buy a massage brush for washing your hair – it will improve the effect of the shampoo and help remove dirt from the hair roots. By the way, only the roots need to be washed – the rest of the hair will be cleaned when you wash off the shampoo.

Leave the conditioner on for five minutes

When it comes to beauty, patience is the main virtue. Apply conditioner to your hair, detangle curls with a wide-tooth comb, then wrap your head in a towel or cotton t-shirt for five to seven minutes.

Never three wet head with a towel

Wet hair is the most vulnerable – too aggressive mechanical action will tear it out. So, don’t towel dry your hair – gently blot it with it. Next, apply heat protectant if you’re going to be using the curling iron. And never pass the iron through the locks until they are completely dry!

Source: The Voice Mag