Marcelo Medici talks about mood swing: ‘The limit is ‘are you committing a crime?’

Marcelo Medici talks about mood swing: ‘The limit is ‘are you committing a crime?’

The actor and comedian reflected on how comedy has evolved over the years


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The actor Marcello Medici, 52, reflected on how comedy and what counts as humor have evolved over the years. According to him, style has changed a lot, but it must not lose its essence, which is to reflect current times.

The comments were made during the TV room From Earth this Wednesday the 22nd, after being asked if he had noticed a difference in the show’s audience “Each with his poor”, which has been operating for 20 years. Marcelo reflected that he has changed very few things, as he never liked “misogynistic and body-related” jokes, but that he has tried to be more careful. “I think there are things that are no longer welcome nowadays. We have to pay attention to what creates the mood, you know?

“What goes unnoticed for you doesn’t go unnoticed for her and vice versa. So today we are very careful because the face that is there is ours, right? [Por exemplo,] ‘Look at this line: ‘Because he’s not talking about anyone, but he makes a comment that might be a little offensive.’ But I think humor also has a provocative quality,” she commented.

He points out that humor should elicit criticism, but that there are limits on what to comment on. “It’s not an HR conference that talks about behavior. Humor can never be that. You also need the audience’s processing capacity because, sometimes, criticism is made in a funny scene, in a funny situation, and I think people need to have that understanding,” she says.

One of the speakers then asked what this limit is from Marcelo’s point of view.

“You’re asking me the million dollar question. I’ll try to answer, but this may change over time. I think the phrase is, ‘Are you committing a crime?’”, he underlined. “Are you going to make a joke? [de cunho] racist? Will you incite homophobia? Will you ridicule this problem? Would you ridicule a physically disabled person? Will you ridicule slavery and the Holocaust? This is a crime. It’s pretty simple, I guess.

OR TV room airs Wednesday at 3pm live on Terra’s home page, on Youtube and on Terra’s social networks.

Source: Terra

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