Xanddy and Carla Perez’s handsome son shows off a muscular and defined body

Xanddy and Carla Perez’s handsome son shows off a muscular and defined body

Victor Alexandre, son of Xanddy and Carla Perez, shared the record on social media

This Monday, 2, Victor Alexander21 years old, son of Xanddy AND Carla Perezshared, in the stories of his official Instagram profile, a new album full of charm, beauty and sensuality.

In the image, the boy appears in a selfie in the gym mirror, shirtless, showing off all the results of his efforts in the intense training he does daily.

He and his sister, Camilli VictoriaThey currently live in Florida, United States.

I wait:

Victor Alexandre (Reproduction/Instagram)

Source: Terra

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