The shaman declares himself in love with Sophie Charlotte with sensual clicks

The shaman declares himself in love with Sophie Charlotte with sensual clicks

The shaman melted over his girlfriend on social media

This Wednesday 2 Shaman he used the feed of his official Instagram profile to share shots full of passion and sensuality with his girlfriend, Sofia Carlotta.

In the images the couple appears in intimate and relaxed moments. In love, the rapper fell in love with the actress, with whom he was a romantic partner in the remake of RebornGlobo’s latest prime time soap opera.

“Beauty and the Beast”, he titled the publication. Fans of the duo then reacted:

“Too beautiful”, said one;

“Perfect”wrote another;

“What a couple”another commented.

I wait:

Check out this photo on Instagram

A post shared by XAMÃ ❌ (@euxama)

Source: Terra

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