Artists who are from the same family and you didn’t know that

Check out the list of artists who are related and you probably have no idea

It’s very common for family members to end up choosing to follow in the footsteps of relatives when it comes to careers, right? Whatever the area, it happens – a lot. Cousins ​​choose the same rank, siblings end up in the same business, and so on.

In the art world it is no different, and many celebrities have also chosen to pursue the same careers, however not everyone is aware of the degree of kinship. That’s why we have prepared a list that will surprise you when you find out which celebrities are related. Confidence!

Ingrid Guimaraes and Marcelo Faria

Actors Marcelo Faria and Ingrid Guimarães are cousins. The two appeared together on social media during the covid-19 pandemic and the artist surprised some followers by revealing that they were related. Ingrid also said that she and actor Reginaldo Faria’s son have been close since childhood.

Giovanna Antonelli and Guilhermina Guinle

Many people don’t know this, but the actresses are sister-in-law. Guilhermina is married to the lawyer Leonardo Antonelli, Giovanna’s brother. Guinle was also married to actor Murilo Benício, father of Antonelli’s eldest son, Pietro.

Maria Ribeiro and Dinho Ouro Preto

The actress and singer are second cousins. The artists’ grandmothers did not speak to each other for a long time due to a family quarrel, and it took Dinho years to discover the degree of kinship between them. In addition, Maria and the singer’s brothers dated and almost got married.

Chico Anysio and Marcos Palmeira

The comedian, who died in 2012, is the uncle of actor Marcos Palmeira. Chico was the brother of Zelito Viana, father of the heartthrob. Palmeira is a cousin of the actors Bruno Mazzeo, Nizo Neto and Lug de Paula.

Gabriel Braga Nunes and Drauzio Varella

One of the most unusual relationships is that between Gabriel and Drauzio. The doctor is married to actress Regina Braga, the actor’s mother, and has already stated that he has a “father to son” relationship with the artist, since she has been present in his life since he was eight years old. .

Renata Ceribelli and Amaury Jr.

Another surprising relationship is that between Renata Ceribelli and Amaury Jr. The journalist of TV Globo and the presenter are first cousins. Clélia Ceribelli, Amaury’s mother, is the brother of Renata’s father.

Luiza Possi, Preta Gil and Patricia Pillar

Preta Gil is Luiza and Patricia’s cousin. Her mother, Sandra Gadelha, is Patricia Pillar’s cousin. Therefore, the singer and the actress are second cousins. Furthermore, Preta’s mother is also a cousin of Líber Gadelha, the father of Luiza Possi, which makes the artists also second cousins.

Source: Terra