The spiritualist tells how the queen died and if he met Diana in the afterlife

Monica Buonfiglio comments on the voice of Elisabetta who suffered a fatal fall and meme of revenge of the former daughter-in-law

On her YouTube channel, astrologer, angelologist and spiritualist Monica Buonfiglio revealed details of the map she made of Queen Elizabeth II, who died on September 8 at the age of 96.

In his interpretation, the monarch was aware of the proximity of death. So she asked to be taken to Balmoral, the castle in Scotland where she spent part of her childhood.

“I saw some animations showing her banging her head against a piece of furniture. None of this happened, ”says Monica.

Buckingham Palace did not disclose the cause of Elizabeth’s death, which sparked numerous speculations.

“It was cardiac arrest. She practically died of old age. Her heart has stopped beating ”.

The esoteric has detected on the map what would have been Elizabeth’s last wish.

“He mentioned that he didn’t want resuscitation. In my opinion she feels sick, about to disembody herself, and she says not to revive her ».

The peaceful way in which the sovereign would leave would already be predetermined.

“Every person who has the Virgin in the eighth house, like the queen and I, dies of old age,” says Monica.

“Most of the time, he dies at home. I’ll probably disincarnate here on my farm. ”

The astrologer lives on a property in São Paulo, where she follows a lifestyle based on veganism and in contact with nature.

Monica believes that the queen has not suffered or felt fear in her final moments.

“I saw Mars in the 3rd house. She was even happy, understanding the situation and giving herself to death.”

Always according to astrological indications, Elizabeth was welcomed on the astral plane by her husband, Prince Philip, who died in April 2021, at the age of 99.

He allegedly found his father, King George VI, who died in February 1962, but was unable to contact his mother, who was also named Elizabeth, who died in March 2002.

Monica Buonfiglio said she was questioned countless times about the alleged meeting of the queen in the afterlife with Diana, victim of a car accident in August 1997, at the age of 36.

The two had deep conflicts. The monarch was seen as a villain for not supporting her princess in her marital martyrdom with Charles.

“I’ve seen a lot of memes of Diana in heaven receiving the queen and being rude,” says the spiritualist.

In most of these comic montages, the princess takes revenge on her former mother-in-law in a cruel way.

“Lady Di is in House 5, which is the House of friends, of mother and daughter, and Mars is in House 3. So, if we believe that the Queen has found Diana, they got along well,” says Monica.

The spiritualist made headlines in April this year after netizens retrieved a January video of her with predictions on “BBB22”.

Among other predictions, the astrologer said she saw someone from the program seriously injured in the head, as happened to Rodrigo Mussi shortly after he was eliminated.

It also included participants with covid, as happened with Jade Picon, Arthur Aguiar and Linn da Quebrada still in confinement before the reality premiere.

Monica Buonfiglio is well known and respected in the mystical universe. You are considered one of the greatest connoisseurs of angels and astral conjunctions.

In the 1990s, he had success with his astrological prediction card in the now defunct “Dia Dia”, the Band’s morning show.

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Source: Terra