Former BBB Eliezer will participate in Netflix series

Creator of the series, Rodrigo Sant’Anna would have directly sought Sated da Rio to ask Eliezer to be able to act in the production

Former BBB Eliezer do Carmo Neto will be in the second season of the comedy The mother-in-law who gave you, from Netflix. Viih Tube’s son’s father will have a small role as an app driver, which will take Dona Isadir (Rodrigo Sant’Anna) and Fátima (Solange Teixeira) on a fun mission.

Creator of the series, Rodrigo Sant’Anna would directly search Sated (Sindicato dos Artistas e Técnicos em Espetaculos e Diversions) in Rio to ask for permission for Eliezer to act in the production. The attraction is directed by Alex Cabral (Escolinha do Professor Raimundo) and it is important to point out that the central cast is all black, which is still very rare to see in a Brazilian production.

Netflix’s first Brazilian production recorded in front of the public, with the aim of recording the reaction of the public – the claque dos risinhos -, the series also marks the return of Sant’anna to the female role, after Valéria do Total ballast and the grace of I am free.

In the plot, the comedian plays Dona Isadir, who during the pandemic moves to the villa of her son Carlos (Rafael Zulu), in Barra da Tijuca, and creates several frictions with her daughter-in-law Alice (Lidi Lisboa), although she has a good relationship with his family, his nephews Jonas and Márcia (Pedro Ottoni and Bárbara Sut) and with his employee Marinez (Daniela Fontan), who has been working for her son’s family for years.

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Source: Terra