Former Raissa Barbosa Farm Reveals Domestic Violence, Presents Evidence

Former Raissa Barbosa Farm Reveals Domestic Violence, Presents Evidence

Raissa Barbosa has exposed evidence against her ex-partner through social media

Raisa Barbosa shared a moving and disturbing account of domestic violence with followers on social media. The influencer and former participant of The farm She opened her heart about the attacks she suffered in her last relationship.

“Last year I was in a relationship with a person who physically, psychologically, in every way possible, abused me. It took me a long time to talk about it, because I was trying to resolve this situation off screen, without exposing it, because of the shame of what I went through.”reported.

The influencer explained that the first attack occurred during a trip to Chile, when her ex-boyfriend physically attacked her, hanging her and punching her, motivated by jealousy.

“I thought I was going to die”Raissa revealed, showing videos, audio and photos that prove her accusations. She explained that, during the episode, her ex-partner hid knives to intimidate her, which further increased her fear and she filed a complaint with the police, but she feels offended.

Watch the video!

Source: Terra

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