During the separation Gustavo Lima paid very high child support; knowing the value

During the separation Gustavo Lima paid very high child support; knowing the value

Gusttavo Lima paid a very high pension for Gabriel, 7 years old, and Samuel, 6 years old; I know how much

When Gustavo Lima divorced from Andressa Suita in 2020 he paid a large pension for the couple’s children, Gabriel7 years old, and Samuel, 6 years old.

To date, they have not remarried, which means that, although they are together, the couple remains separated before the law. According to Extra, the compatriot paid 54 minimum wages per month. Of these, 24 went to his wife Andressa, or approximately R$ 25,080.00, and another 15 minimum wages, R$ 15,675.00, for each of the children, not counting school and health expenses.

However, the separation did not last long and the two resumed dating in early 2021. They still live together today and even exchange statements on social media.


It is worth remembering Gustavo Lima received a request for arrest from the Court of Justice of Pernambuco due to Operation Integration, which investigates money laundering. However, the singer managed to revoke the decision and will not be arrested.

Source: Terra

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