Fernanda Britto’s friends denounce medical and family abandonment: “She needs help”

Fernanda Britto’s friends denounce medical and family abandonment: “She needs help”

Fernanda Britto, famous for her etiquette advice, faces complications after a stroke; Friends report the worrying situation at the hospital in Rio de Janeiro

The influencer Fernanda Britto protocol is hospitalized in serious condition at the Casa de Saúde São José, in Rio de Janeiro, after suffering a stroke. Close friends have reported to the LeoDias portal an alleged inattention on the part of both the family and the hospital towards the patient’s condition.

According to reports, Fernanda she was transferred from Curitiba, where she had been hospitalized since November 22, to Rio de Janeiro in air intensive care on December 4. However, after the transfer, she remained in intensive care only for the first day, and was then taken to a common room, despite her delicate health condition.

Fernanda’s friends reveal the details of her hospitalization

Angelica AND Kadufriends of the influencer, a friend and social media declared this last Tuesday (10/12). Fernanda he examined her and found that she was in the room without any monitoring equipment except oxygen support.

The two also revealed that they offered help to their sister Fernanda, Martharesponsible for hospitalization, but the proposal was rejected. According to friends, Martha would have declared that the influencer “she’s already dead” and that he would make decisions together with the doctors, underlining this “I don’t want anyone to get involved”.

The influencer team is concerned about the lack of structure

In recent visits, Angelica AND Kadu reported different behaviors on the part of the patient: at the beginning she was able to move her arms and hug them, but last Thursday (12/12), Fernanda I was completely sedated. According to friends, the family refused to share information about the influencer’s health status.

The team of Fernanda she informed the portal that she is worried about the lack of adequate medical care, especially considering that she has undergone kidney and pancreas transplants in 2022 and requires intensive care. Without access to the influencer’s medical report, the fear is that the situation could get even worse.

Source: Terra

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