Who is the ex of Margareth’s boyfriend? The hairdresser came in public and exploded

Who is the ex of Margareth’s boyfriend? The hairdresser came in public and exploded

Discover who Karolayne Lima, ex from Margareth Serrão’s current boyfriend, Virginia mother; Revealed the abandonment of the accordion during pregnancy

The new report of Margareth Serrãomother of Virginia FonsecaHe is giving something to talk about. After dealing with romanticism with Danilo NasceimentoHe decided a 21 -year -old accordion player, the musician’s ex -girlfriend Danilo. But who is her? Know Karolayne Lima.

Who is Karolayne Lima?

The young woman is 25 years old. Currently, the hairdresser of Abadi, Goiás, is six months of gestation pending Liz, the result of his relationship with Danilo. After coming in public commenting on the new report of the former, he gained numerous followers on his social networks. Karolayne He has more than 63,000 on his official Instagram, where he shares your personal life, the moments of free time, with family and friends, travel and details published on the revelation of your first daughter’s tea. However, there are no more photos with the ex -boyfriend.

Understand the controversy

In an interview with the portal in Off, Karolayne He said he suffered threats Danilo, which requires a DNA test to demonstrate paternity and ordered it to “disappear from the map” by erasing its profile on social networks. The hairdresser, in turn, was not silent. On his Instagram, he published photos together with his ex -boyfriend e Margareth, You met at a party at the house of Virginia. “Just confusion well”, He wrote in the caption.

Karolayne He also exposed that he had difficulty discovering pregnancy. In a video, it appears only in the revelation of the child’s sex tea. “I was there, alone. At that moment, I kept the cry, trying to smile, all awkwardly, I tried to think only of Liz”vented. “I will always do everything for my daughter, it will always be the greatest blessing of my life, my greatest joy, my preciousness”He is done. Continue reading here!

Source: Terra

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