Categories: Famous

Arthur Aguiar remembers the sponsorship of Xuxa

In an interview, Artur Aguiar recalled being sponsored by Xuxa when he was a child swimmer

BBB22 champion Arthur Aguiar recalled the time he was a swimming athlete and participated in the Xuxa program. In fact, he took the opportunity to say that the presenter was also his sponsor during the period in which he competed and dedicated himself to sport.

“She put me as an attraction on her show, just taking my word for it. There was no way I could know if I was really a champion, if I swam. It could be anyone. And she said ‘whoever wants to sponsor it, sponsor it. little bird told me that Sasha will sponsor you and pay you R $ 1,000, “explained Mayra’s husband Cardi, in an interview with Leo Dias’s column, from Metropoles.

At the time, Xuxa was commanding an edition of “Xuxa Park” in 1999, when he was only 10 years old and was a child athlete of the sport for Botafogo. The blond thus sponsored the actor for a few years and, in 2009, he left sport aside to devote himself to an artistic career.

Xuxa declared his support for Arthur Aguiar during Big Brother Brazil” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener

The presenter even recalled the episode a few days before Arthur’s consecration sample The reality show of TV Globo.

“You are and always will be my champion. First, second or third place. I cheer for you a lot and it’s not from today. PA and DG won my heart during the program, but Aunt Xuxa already declared her supporters years ago for this little guy, “he commented.

Source: Terra