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Alopecia: Understanding the disease that struck former BBB Eliezer

In a video sequence, the former BBB spoke about the disease and linked it to the virtual attacks suffered last year

The former BBB Eliezerwho participated in the 22nd edition of the Globe TVopened up to his Instagram followers and revealed that he is suffering from the consequences of alopecia.

According to him, the disease appeared after he and influencer Viih Tube made their pregnancy public, and a wave of hate from the internet hit him.

“My hair fell out and it opened up these holes in my head,” Eliezer wrote.

“We cannot imagine the impact words have on the lives of others. There are many people who speak only for the pleasure of distilling hatred. But that’s how it is. Everything is fine. My hair has grown. It’s gone, I’ve gotten better, I evolved. It was hard! I had to hold the bar because we had just announced the pregnancy and Viih was super fragile and she felt sick too. She also answered some things but I didn’t want anything to disturb our moment there. “

What is alopecia?

Alopecia is a capillary alteration that can cause hair loss, temporary or permanent. It can also reach other parts of the body, not just the scalp.

Dermatologist of BP – Beneficência Portuguesa de São Paulo Leonardo Abrucio Neto explains that stress is one of the most common factors that can cause alopecia, but it’s not the only one.

“There’s also alopecia associated with chemotherapy drugs, cholesterol drugs, antibiotics and blood thinners,” she exemplifies. The doctor explains that when the stress peak subsides, hair grows back and that this growth can be stimulated.

The disease is treated with oral supplements of amino acids, vitamins, and minerals to stimulate hair growth, and topical, anti-inflammatory, or hair-growth-stimulating solutions.

Other attitudes also help in scalp health, such as avoiding using very hot water when washing your hair and avoiding the use of very harsh dyes and chemicals from the region.

The dermatologist also points out that other conditions can also cause hair loss, such as thyroid dysfunction and infectious diseases (such as covid and dengue).

Source: Terra

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