Snoring or sleep apnea? The doctor explains the difference

Half of the population may have mild sleep apnea, i.e. snoring with short breathing pauses. Find out what makes the problem worse

Snoring can be something “normal”. Despite this, it can often compromise the patient’s quality of life. In fact, the condition can even become such a serious social problem that it can lead to breakups in a relationship and problems in everyday life.

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“I have a patient who doesn’t fly, because his snoring is very loud, thus creating a serious social problem. This patient doesn’t sleep in anyone’s house, and even to sleep in hotels, guests in the next rooms complain. We therefore see that it is a very serious social limit, which also hinders relationships”, exemplifies the doctor Dr. Luke Sampaio.

According to him, snoring itself is the noise caused by the vibration of the pharyngeal tissues and is defined as the air passing through a place. “When we sleep, we relax our muscles and, if we have a high stomach, our tongue falls back, reducing the air space and causing snoring,” explains Lucas.

What makes snoring worse?

Lucas explains that the biggest villain of snoring is being overweight. This is because the accumulation of fat in the neck and also at the base of the tongue narrows the passage of air in the airways. “This way the air will vibrate more and, consequently, the person will snore more intensely. So, the snorer who has or does not have apnea must be careful not to be overweight. Other factors are excessive intake of alcoholic beverages,” he points out.

“When people drink more, they relax and, consequently, their muscles too. Thus the air will pass more turbulently, generating more snoring, and this thought is also used for any drugs that calm and relax”, he clarifies.

Is all snoring sleep apnea?

According to an article published by Revista Científica Lancet, approximately 49.7% of the Brazilian population has at least mild sleep apnea, which is when there is a brief stop in breathing.

“The person is snoring and then stops breathing, the saturation decreases and when he breathes again there is that familiar louder snoring. Thus, the apnea leads to the loss of oxygenation in the body, generating, over time, micro-injuries in the nervous system. This breath stop can take minutes and its classification is made according to how many apnea events the patient has had in one night,” explains the doctor.

Risks and diagnosis

According to Lucas, it is noted in scientific works that losses are different in each individual and end up increasing the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, among other comorbidities.

“A person who snores should consult a specialist doctor, preferably an otolaryngologist, to see if there is any structural alteration of the nose or throat that is leading to this apnea condition, in order to decide on the best form of treatment, surgical or clinical”, vigilant.

Lucas, who is majoring in otolaryngology, adds that the test of choice for diagnosis is respiratory and neurological polysomnography. But, in some cases, you may seek help from a neurologist if polysomnography shows neurological changes.

“For treatment, we need to start with weight loss and then individualize, as there is more than one treatment option, such as intraoral device, CPAP, and surgery,” concludes the doctor.

Source: Terra