Endoscopic spine surgery: what is it?

Endoscopic spine surgery: what is it?

The less invasive procedure has several advantages

Spine pains and problems are common to everyone. Regardless of age or gender, various bodily or external factors, such as poor posture, can cause problems in this very important part of the human body. The treatment of these ills goes through different practices and sometimes includes surgical procedures. And an important development in this field is endoscopic spinal surgery. “The procedure is exactly the same as a ‘traditional’ spine surgery, but with a minimum cut of about 1.5cm. And, in most cases, it does not require the use of prostheses, screws, etc. “, explains Dr. Bruno Aprile, orthopedic, active in Spine Surgery, Spine Endoscopy and Minimally Invasive Techniques at Clínica SO.U. Regarding the way it is performed, the orthopedic surgeon of the spine, Dr. Marcos Vaz, also states that it is “performed through a cannula, through which, inside it, a work tool, such as tweezers, scissors and more, controlled through a camera in real time”. The method has been used for about 50 years in the world and for over 30 in Brazil. The evolution was gradual, from ever smaller incisions to endoscopic surgery. And when is the technique recommended? “Virtually all cases of herniated disc or any type of nerve compression that causes sciatic pain, such as parrot’s beaks (osteophytes), synovial cysts, or narrowing (stenosis) of the spinal canal can be treated with an endoscopic procedure,” says dr. . Bruno. The expert also says that there are indications for performing endoscopic surgery in all segments of the spine: cervical, thoracic and lumbar, with some restrictions in the first two segments. Since the procedure is minimally invasive, some benefits are easily apparent. “By causing less tissue aggressiveness and less bleeding, the length of hospital stay decreases and rehabilitation earlier, i.e. the patient can return to their daily activities sooner,” says Dr. Frames. “These are rapid interventions, with rapid improvement in pain (immediate or, at most, in 48 hours), with release from ambulation and hospital discharge on the same day (6 hours), with less postoperative pain and a more agile return to activity and work, with minimal scarring and need for rest,” adds Dr. Bruno. Endoscopic surgery of the spine has no formal contraindications yet, and is constantly evolving, managing to resolve more complex cases. “The only recommendation is to avoid performing the procedure if there is confirmed instability,” says Dr. Bruno. doctor Marcos completes by stating that for cases of spinal deformities, such as scoliosis, the procedure is not yet effective. As with all health problems, it is important to consult your doctor to arrive at the best possible treatment. And it’s always worth keeping up to date with new methods. *Dr. Bruno Aprile is an orthopedic surgeon, specialized in spinal surgery, with particular attention to minimally invasive techniques such as spinal endoscopy, infiltrations and rhizotomies. He is a member of the Brazilian Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology (SBOT), Member of the Brazilian Society of the Spine (SBC) and of the Santa Casa de Misericórdia de SP. *Dr. Marcos Vaz de Lima is a spine surgeon, head of the sports traumatology group and professor at the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Santa Casa de São Paulo.

Source: Terra

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