Corn: ten recipes for your June party

Corn: ten recipes for your June party

Corn, the ingredient that cannot be missing in São João’s festivities, is the protagonist of the month

It’s not hard to imagine why June is one of the most awaited months of the year in Brazil: parties, balls, square dances, bonfires and lots of good food! And in this scenario some ingredients such as wine, peanuts and pine nuts come to the fore, but the truth is that in the days of São João none shines brighter than corn. Corn recipes are the face of the middle of the year, when the cereal harvest takes place, and the plurality of corn-based dishes is unbeatable, there is always some option that satisfies the palate.

And, since we know they can’t be missing, we asked the chefs to select some corn-based foods to be able to enjoy the season with so much taste. Check the options: savory corn cake, simple pureed corn cake, corn pudding with orange sauce, colorful corn salad, colonial cornbread, corn canjiquinha with leek, corn creme brulee, green corn cheese with coconut, corn soup green corn and corn pancakes.

Savory corn cake

Starting with a more unusual recipe: corn pie. Accompanied by rump steak, caramelized onion, creamed corn and eggs, the recipe by chef Potiguara Spindóla, professor of gastronomy at Senac São Paulo, is strong and juicy. Check out step by step.

Simple blender corn cake

This is the face of the June party. Reminiscent of grandma’s house, this corn cake recipe from Divino Fogão goes very well with black coffee or hot tea, both for breakfast and as an afternoon snack.

Corn pudding with orange sauce

Sweets with corn are all good, but when corn decides to come in the form of one of the most loved sweets in Brazil, there is none for anyone! The corn pudding with orange sauce, by Divino Fogão, is a creamy and irresistible dessert. This dessert is made with condensed milk and, of course, corn, but the orange syrup gives it a unique citrus twist that makes corn pudding more than special. Worth a try.

colorful corn salad

How about a simple corn salad recipe to complement your lunch or dinner? Although not typical of the São João season, this healthy recipe from chef Potiguara Spindóla is made with corn, mango, strawberry and other ingredients that together give a balanced flavor. Worth a try!

colonial cornbread

Cornbread is certainly the face of São João. Typical of the Festa Junina, this recipe is perfect for a colonial breakfast or an afternoon coffee. You can serve yours with butter, cream cheese, jam, or whatever you like. Chef Potiguara Spindóla teaches you how to do it. Try it!

Corn canjiquinha with leek

June has arrived and brought cold and low temperatures, so nothing better than that very hot food for cold days. For pampering lovers, this hot broth is delicious. Sit under the covers and taste this simple savory canjiquinha, also known as mungunzá. The recipe for corn canjiquinha with leek is from chef Potiguara Spindola and you will love it.

Catalan corn cream

Corn creme brulee isn’t a typical Junino dessert during the Festa Juninas season, but for corn lovers, this recipe is a good fit. Chef Elton Belini Rico Galves teaches you this dessert step by step. Made with corn, creme brulee resembles a creme brulee, though it tastes more cinnamon-like.

Green corn cheese with coconut

The queijadinha is that June fiesta dessert that conquers the hearts of Brazilian sweets lovers, especially those typical of the June fiesta. Despite the name, the queijadinha cake is a creamy corn cake, in a mini version, made with Parmesan cheese and sugar. It can be enjoyed for breakfast or as a snack, with black coffee or hot tea. Elton Belini Chef Rico Galves teaches you the step-by-step process for this queijadinha recipe. Watch:

green corn soup

The middle of the year is the cool season and lower temperatures, which pairs with hot dishes. Divino Fogão’s creamy green corn soup has an enveloping taste and is perfect for cold evenings, even more so when served with bread or baguette.

corn fritter

Last but not least, we come to the corn fritter. It’s true that it hasn’t yet achieved the status of a typical June holiday food, but it fits well into the general idea of ​​corn recipes. Very easy to prepare, the corn fritter can also be served for those looking for a different lunch or dinner. This recipe is ideal for colder days, as it tastes much better when served hot. The Água Doce Sabores do Brasil restaurant teaches you how to do it.

Source: Terra

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