Disorders like depression and anxiety are increasingly common, often due to habits that impact mental health that we don’t see
This month we celebrated the World Mental Health Day (10/10), a date that highlights the importance of taking care of psychological and emotional well-being. Furthermore, the intention is to promote awareness of challenges that affect millions of people around the world, such as depression, anxiety and mental disorders. This can reduce the stigma of these conditions by encouraging open dialogue and access to appropriate treatments.
However, in today’s world there are several factors that damage mental health and which can go unnoticed in the busyness of everyday life, says psychiatrist Dr. Flávio H. Nascimento. “Mental health problems, such as anxiety and depression, have immutable factors, such as genetics. However, they are also strongly influenced by our habits, the consequences of which we are often unaware of,” he warns.
With this in mind, the professional listed some common habits in our daily lives that end up harming mental health. Watch:
5 Things You Didn’t Know Are Harming Your Mental Health
1 – Excess cell phone
“Excessive cell phone use is today one of the main catalysts of mental illnesses. This is because the habit stimulates anxiety, especially when it becomes addiction, and becomes a big problem when it is associated with the excessive use of social networks,” he said. explained. explains the psychiatrist
2 – Sleeping badly
“Bad nights, insomnia and chronic sleep deprivation are a strong characteristic of anxiety and depression that can worsen the symptoms and also generate physical consequences,” says the doctor.
3 – Extreme perfectionism
“Being a perfectionist can even be healthy at a certain point, but when it reaches the level of obsession it is extremely harmful, generating chronic stress because we do not always manage to do things ‘perfect’, which also generates frustration and anxiety,” warns Flávio .
4 – Excessive consumption of alcohol and drugs
“The use of alcohol and drugs is directly related to the development and progression of various mental disorders and illnesses, often being their main cause,” warns the professional.
5 – Repress feelings
“The denial or repression of feelings, the need to always be strong and ‘swallow the tears’ is a very dangerous practice because at some point all this will return in the form of a mental health problem, so it is important to always express feelings , emotions and, when necessary, ask for the help of a professional to know how to best address them”, explains Dr. Flávio H. Nascimento.
Source: Terra
Ben Stock is a lifestyle journalist and author at Gossipify. He writes about topics such as health, wellness, travel, food and home decor. He provides practical advice and inspiration to improve well-being, keeps readers up to date with latest lifestyle news and trends, known for his engaging writing style, in-depth analysis and unique perspectives.