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Do it yourself: vase with teddy bear

Have fun this Mother’s Day making these super cute vases


these adorable teddy bear plant pots they are a perfect project for your home! They are easy to make and you can paint one for each family member and customize them however you like.

Join the air drying craze of clay and acrylic paints to make this #DoItYourself project come true.

What you will need

  • White clay for air drying
  • tools for modeling clay
  • Roll
  • sand paper
  • acrylic paints
  • Brush tool
  • glue or paint


1. Roll out the clay


Place the air-dry clay on a piece of cling film. With a rolling pin roll out the clay to a thickness of about 5 mm. Draw a simple diagram of a bear with ears. Place the larger bear model on the clay. Draw around and turn to cut the other side.

Repeat to create mama bear and teddy bear.

2. Cut the bases


Set the bear pieces aside. Roll out more clay and cut out three base circles. Remove excess clay and set aside for another day.

3. Mark the edges


Sew the bottom of the bear pieces using a knife – a job for mom or dad! Wet the marked section with a little water. Then mark all around the base pieces the same way.

4. Put the pieces together


Wrap one of the bear pieces around the corresponding base, joining the marked surfaces to seal. Carefully push a plastic bag into the pot to help it hold its shape.

Repeat for the remaining pots. Let it dry overnight.

5. Smooth the surfaces


When the pots are dry, use fine sandpaper to smooth the surfaces.

6. Paint


Use a pencil to mark the bears’ facial features. Once you are happy with the faces, start painting. He uses brown for dad’s face, then add some white to make mom and teddy bear gradually lighter. Paint their muzzles beige and add a black nose and eyes.

When the painted pots are completely dry, add a layer of glitter or clear glue to the paint. This will increase the durability and shine.


Place real or fake plants in your pots. If they are true, line the bottom of the pots with cling film to protect the clay when the plants are watered.

Have a good time!

* through ideal home

Source: Terra

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