Yasmin Brunet talks about lipedema diagnosis: ‘I felt a lot of pain’

Yasmin Brunet talks about lipedema diagnosis: ‘I felt a lot of pain’

The vascular surgeon explains the main symptoms of the disease suffered by his ex-sister

A Yasmine Brunetmodel and former participant in “Big Brother Brasil 2024”, took part in an interview on the “Encontro” program on TV Globo and spoke about the diagnosis of lipedema and binge eating.

“The compulsion never comes alone. So it’s depression, it’s anxiety… I’ve been dealing with it since I was 13. I imagined that when I entered the house, my compulsion would appear because it is very stressful and anxious. Compulsion is something you eat, eat, eat and you are never satisfied, you feel empty. The emptiness isn’t about food, but we can do it, because it’s something tangible, easy to deal with,” she said.

According to her, during the period of confinement, the disorder manifested itself intensely, which can occur especially due to stress and constant pressure.

“It was the only time where I didn’t think, but you don’t even realize you’re eating. So, I ate a can of guava, oxtail, a really crazy mix… and I still felt empty. When you have a compulsion, you don’t choose, it’s what you have,” he said.

Luiza Brunet’s daughter said she discovered she had lipedema shortly before joining BBB24. “It was horrible there. I felt a lot of pain, discomfort and pressure. My leg has become huge. When I left, I found an amazing doctor who is helping me so much.”

What is binge eating?

“A binge is a mental illness characterized by excessive food intake in a short period of time. period, usually accompanied by a feeling of loss of control. During these episodes, the person overeats, even when he or she is not physically hungry,” she explains. Camila Vasconcelosnutritionist from the University of Ribeirão Preto (UNAERP).

It is a disorder that can trigger weight gain, guilt, shame, anxiety, self-esteem problems and unhealthy eating habits.

Emotions such as stress, anger, sadness, feelings of emptiness and boredom can act as triggers of the condition. “A relationship between emotions and binge eating it is complex and multifaceted,” says Carol Caldas, a nutritionist.

What is lipedema?

OR lipedemain turn, it is a disease characterized by the accumulation of adipose tissue with a disproportionate increase in the size of the limbs, especially in regions such as culottes, hips, thighs and legs.

“Often, the patient with lipedema lives as ‘fake skinny,’ that is, thin from the waist up but with thick legs. They often believe that this is the family’s body pattern, since lipedema can actually affect several women in the family, so it is not thinks that it could constitute a problem. And, since until recently lipedema was not considered a disease, the scientific literature on its mechanisms is still very scarce, therefore the medical community itself is still very attentive to the disease and training for its treatment. “, points out Dr. Aline Lamaitavascular surgeon and member of the Brazilian Society of Angiology and Vascular Surgery.

Signs that help identify lipedema include: fat that is difficult to eliminate, pain to touch, disproportionate accumulation of fat AND presence of visible nodules on the skin.

“Lipedema is a problem that essentially affects women. It is estimated that 10% of women suffer from this disease. Furthermore, it is a genetic disease and commonly affects multiple people from the same family,” explains Lamaita.

The vascular surgeon also reveals that there is a strong correlation between hormonal changes and the manifestation of the disease and, therefore, it is common for it to worsen during periods such as puberty, contraceptive use, pregnancy and menopause.

Source: Terra

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