The actor Leonardo DiCaprio, who in addition to cinema dedicates himself to environmental activism, is a partner of Lewis Hamilton, Formula 1 champion, in a company that makes products for vegans.
Photo: Reproduction/@leonardodicaprio / Flipar
Hamilton is the owner of the Neat Food chain, which specializes in plant-based burgers, with DiCaprio as a partner.
Photo: reproduction/@lewishamilton / Flipar
The company was founded in 2019 and offers different types of products. On 4/29/2022, Hamilton announced a contract for $30 million (R$149 million) in funding to stimulate the company’s growth. Actor Leonardo DiCaprio joined the group as a strategic investor.
Photo: Neat / Flipar
The British pilot claims to have solved his sleep and stomach problems with veganism, which he adopted in 2017.
Photo: Instagram / Flipar reproduction
Many people confuse vegetarians with vegans. But there are differences. Vegetarians exclude everything of animal origin from their diet, including eggs and dairy products.
Photo: scott bauer wikimedia commons / Flip
But vegans go further: they don’t use any products that have been made with anything of animal origin. In other words, leather bags, hygiene products that contain an animal component, etc.
Photo: Image from Pexels by Pixabay / Flipar
Billie Eilish – The singer, winner of the 2022 Oscar for the song 007 and the 2024 Oscar for the song Barbie, said she has been vegan since the age of 12, when she learned about the practices of the meat industry and could not accept the suffering of animals.
Photo: wikimedia commons Raph_PH / Flipar
Jessica Chastain – The 2022 Oscar-winning actress said veganism was an experience that worked, as she started feeling better than ever.
Photo: Instagram/Flip playback
Joaquin Phoenix – The actor, Oscar winner for “Joker” in 2020, believes that the consumption of animals reveals the egocentric character of men, who sacrifice other species.
Photo: Instagram/Flip playback
Benedict Cumberbatch – One of today’s most prestigious actors, also a voice actor, was voted the most beautiful vegan in the world by the animal rights group PETA. Performer of Doctor Strange, he said that his diet gives him the energy he needs to play the character.
Photo: Instagram / Flip playback
Natalie Portman – The actress, Oscar winner in 2011 for “Black Swan”, produced the documentary “Eating Animals”, in which she denounces intensive farming practices and calls for greater awareness among people regarding food.
Photo: Instagram/Flip playback
Pamela Anderson – The actress claims that people can live longer and better with plant-based foods. She has launched several fashion items called “cruelty free”, opened a themed restaurant in Paris and held conferences on the topic.
Photo: Instagram/Flip playback
Bill Clinton – Politician, former president of the United States, began to give up meat, eggs and dairy products due to heart problems. He also underwent surgeries. He felt better as a vegan and said he hopes to live longer this way.
Photo: Instagram/Flip playback
Woody Harrelson – The actor, Oscar winner in 1989 for “Cheers”, claims to have been vegan for more than 25 years and that he chose this diet not for ethical reasons, but to obtain energy. He claims he did. And he prefers raw foods, which make him healthier and more energetic than cooked ones.
Photo: wikimedia commons Tabercil/Flipar
Gisele Bündchen – The international supermodel, originally from Rio Grande do Sul, follows a diet based on vegetables and cereals. Her ex-husband Tom Brady, an American football star, followed her example. However, Gisele has already confessed that she loves cheese bread (and according to the vegan rule it is not worth consuming animal products, in this case milk). So… this is a vegan who sometimes breaks the norm by falling into temptation.
Photo: Instagram / Flipar reproduction
Tobey Maguire – The famous Spider-Man actor had been a vegetarian since 1992 and became vegan in 2009. He posted on social media: “Veganism is the future. It’s the only way to ensure a sustainable future for our planet and all its inhabitants”.
Photo: playback/@tobeymaguir / Flip
Casey Affleck – The American actor is part of numerous animal rights movements and campaigns. He is linked to PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) and the Farm Sanctuary organization.
Photo: Youtube/Oscar/Flipar
Kate Winslet – The British actress, winner of an Oscar in 2009 for “The Reader”, narrated the documentary “Eating Will Lead Us to Extinction”, calling attention to the importance of good and responsible eating.
Photo: Wikimedia Commons Mingle Media TV / Flipar
Jared Leto – The American actor and musician, who played Morbius in the cinema, also has the nickname Vegan Rock Vampire. He has been vegan for over 20 years. Leto was born on 12/26/1971 and says he looks younger due to his vegan diet.
Photo: wikimedia commons greg 2600 / Flip
Xuxa – The former presenter, queen of shorties of a generation, revealed in 2023 that she had become vegan five years earlier. She said that she hadn’t eaten meat since she was 13 years old. She stopped eating eggs at 14. And at 26 she stopped eating chicken. But in 2018 she fully adopted veganism, giving up all animal derivatives.
Photo: YouTube / Flipar playback
Luisa Mell – The activist, defender of animal rights, is one of the most insistent voices against the consumption of meat of any kind and against the use of products derived from animals. In the book “How Animals Saved My Life,” she says she threw her designer bags in the trash when she adopted this philosophy.
Photo: Instagram / Flipar reproduction
Source: Terra

Ben Stock is a lifestyle journalist and author at Gossipify. He writes about topics such as health, wellness, travel, food and home decor. He provides practical advice and inspiration to improve well-being, keeps readers up to date with latest lifestyle news and trends, known for his engaging writing style, in-depth analysis and unique perspectives.