Sculpted Abs: 6 Exercises to Burn Fat and Tone Your Abs

Sculpted Abs: 6 Exercises to Burn Fat and Tone Your Abs

Coach reveals sequence to increase calorie expenditure and strengthen abdominal muscles at the same time

Get one “sculpted abs”that is, that chiseled abdomen, with thin skin, without fat and showing all the muscles, is the dream of many people. And if you already do some kind of regular physical activity, know that you are on the right track. But this alone is not enough.

“It is important to emphasize that abdominal exercises do not reduce abdominal fat, but they strengthen the muscles, which can have a significant postural effect on the visual effect. To reduce abdominal fat you have to take care of your diet and exercise. When I do Let’s talk about training, there are exercises that target metabolic activation and the abdominal core”, explains physical educator and personal trainer Giuliano Esperança.

Therefore, to help you achieve the long-awaited “six pack abs”, the specialist has selected six exercises that combine strengthening the abdominal muscles with high calorie expenditure. So, in this way, you can hypertrophy the abdomen and at the same time eliminate the layer of belly fat. Watch:

6 Exercises To Get A Six Pack

1- Run on the spot. Perform the running movement on the spot, applying the same characteristics as the running with displacement, remembering the utmost importance of keeping legs and arms crossed. The height of the knee depends on the level of conditioning. Therefore, beginners should keep their work light, making fluid movements.

2- Dashboard. Rest your elbows on the floor, on a mat or something soft. It could be a pillow. Then, maintain the alignment of your spine, hips and legs, engaging your abdominal muscles and also your glutes.

3- Jumping jacks on the spot without heels. A safe exercise, after all, has no impact. Spread your legs and arms to the right side, return to the starting position and, at that moment. activate the abdomen. Do the same gesture, now moving to the left.

4 Crunches + Hip Raises. We combine abdominal strengthening with strengthening of the glutes and hamstrings, which is essential to protect the spine and improve the aesthetic effect through postural realignment. Perform a sit-up, exhaling the air as you bend, then return to the starting position, place your feet on the ground and lift your hips, activating your glutes, holding this position for at least two seconds.

5- Wall climber. Support yourself with both hands at shoulder height and width, keeping your elbows slightly bent. Then move your legs alternately, remembering to activate your core during the movement. The speed can vary from a march for beginners to a jog for more experienced athletes.

6- Abdominal bike. A great abdominal exercise that works the extension and flexion of the legs. Perform the abdominal contraction with the rotation movement, alternating arms and legs. Release the air each time you bring the right elbow closer to the left knee. Inhale and switch sides, remembering to activate the abdomen. Focus on quality and not quantity.

How to fit exercise into your routine

The sequence above, to get the “six pack”, is designed so that you can perform at your own pace, without thinking about repetitions. In other words, each exercise should be performed for two minutes, divided as follows: 20 seconds of execution – 20 seconds of recovery – 20 seconds of execution. Repeat this scheme one more time.

Source: Terra

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