Do you know what kind of rest you deserve? Learn here!
A lot of people say they’re exhausted lately, right? Do you feel that way too? Cases of anxiety and tiredness have increased dramaticallyand Brazil is at the top of the list of the most worried countries in the world. And I’m not saying this, the WHO says it! Well, I learned that there are seven types of rest and now I’ll tell you more about them.
According to physician Dr. Saundra Dalton Smith, you must first relearn to slow down and nourish your body and mind. In his book “The Sacred Rest” he lists the seven types of rest and I will summarize them for you.
But why are we so exhausted, tired? Do you know how to slow down? Mental health illnesses have affected thousands of people and have triggered a wake-up call and a movement for rest.
Fear of missing out x Enjoying the disconnection
I know someone who thinks that resting is a waste of time, do you know someone like that? Many people suffer from it FOMO – acronym for Fear of missing out –, which is the fear of missing out and therefore never disconnecting.
This worrying scenario has given rise to another movement known as JOMO.
JOMO means The joy of missing outthat is, the pleasure that comes from being “out of the world”, disconnecting in certain circumstances, allowing yourself breaks. JOMO appears precisely as the opposition to FOMO.
An example of this is that in the post-pandemic period, many people have permanently adopted remote work, in an attempt to reconcile their personal and professional lives. We have also seen an increase in the offerings of retreats, yoga, meditation and self-knowledge in the midst of nature.
Not to mention the travel agencies specializing in contemplative and leisurely strolling trips around the world.
I know that not every profession allows you to work remotely, much less every budget can afford a relaxing week-long retreat. I think that better understanding our relationship with rest can help us balance this game.
The 7 types of rest
Saundra Dalton Smith is a psychiatrist based in Alabama, USA. Based on her research and over 20 years of experience in the field, she wrote the book “Sacred Rest”, in which she talks about how the act of rest can even restore our sanity. That is, Resting is taking care of your mental health!
In a recent interview, Saundra said that many people have come to her during her two decades of practice as a psychiatrist, seeking treatment for fatigue-related problems.
Below I will summarize the seven types of rest that he describes in this work; I have taken the liberty of adding some practical advice to inspire you even more.
1 Physical rest
It is the most well-known type of rest. And it can be active or passive:
- Passive: Massage, take a nap and observe the quality of sleep. My advice to get this type of rest is to keep the room dark, be regular when you go to bed and get up and, finally, create a sleep hygiene.
- Active rest would consist of activities that stimulate circulation and flexibility, such as stretching, yoga, and dance. See here how to start practicing Yoga.
2 Mental rest
- Take short breaks during the workday, preferably every two hours, without rushing.
- Mindful breathing is a good tip for transitioning from one activity to another, to remind you to let go of the effort and slow down.
- Informal meditation helps you get off autopilot and do one thing at a time, with more presence. The idea is to do one thing at a time, more consciously and without rushing.
- Discover a mindful breathing exercise to relieve stress here
3 Sensory rest
We are constantly bombarded with stimuli and we end up becoming dependent on them without realizing it: screens, lights, noises, tons of conversations, notifications on our phones. But our mind can’t handle such a huge overload.
Therefore, it is important to practice sensory rest:
- Try closing your eyes for a minute in the middle of the day
- Regulate the time you spend in front of the TV and on social media
- Unplug electronic devices at the end of the day.
It may seem like a big challenge at first, but believe me, it is possible to create a lighter lifestyle.
4 Creative Rest
- Decorate your desktop with images of places you love and artwork that inspires you.
- Admire some art
- Drawing
- Saving yourself a little manual labor is also a way to practice creative rest.
- Even moments spent outdoors can deepen this rest.
5 Emotional rest
Practice emotional rest to learn how to manage emotions and not suppress them.
Physical sensations are signals your body is telling you to recognize emotions; such as fear, anger, and sadness.
The first step is to stop and allow yourself to feel; Then see if you can name what is happening in your chest.
Being aware of your emotions and allowing yourself to talk and express your feelings, without worrying about judgment, is extremely healthy and helps you overcome emotional episodes in a constructive way.
Therapy can be a solution! Learn about the different treatment options here.
6 Social rest
The secret to social rest is to be more selective. In other words, you need to identify positive relationships and those that drain your energy. Make sure the people around you support you.
And remember, you always have a choice when it comes to creating your social calendar. So, choose wisely what aligns with your health and well-being.
7 Spiritual rest
We nourish ourselves when we feel connected to something greater and a sense of belonging, love, purpose, and acceptance spontaneously blossoms. This can be meditation, religious rituals, or engaging in volunteer work.
I hope this reflection brings you an extra dose of inspiration and helps you deepen your self-care. I recommend you reread it slowly and choose one of these seven types of rest to put into practice today.
The mail 7 Types of Rest: Learn to Relax appeared first To personify.
Virginia Nowicki (
– Specialist in Conscious Nutrition, Mindful eating and Mindfulness
Source: Terra
Ben Stock is a lifestyle journalist and author at Gossipify. He writes about topics such as health, wellness, travel, food and home decor. He provides practical advice and inspiration to improve well-being, keeps readers up to date with latest lifestyle news and trends, known for his engaging writing style, in-depth analysis and unique perspectives.