The highly anticipated South Korean film noir “Revolver” will be released on Russian screens on September 5, 2024. Director Oh Seung Wook and star Jeon Do Yeon managed to tell one of the most unusual stories of a “woman in trouble” who escapes. How did they do it?
“Revolver” was actively promoted not only in South Korea, but all over the world. Expectations for the film are at their peak, not only because of the unusualness of its plot: the actors strike with the star quality of their names. Ji Chang Wook (“Healer”), Lee Jung Jae (“Squid Game”), Lim Ji Young (“Obsession”), Jo Man Shik (“Hopelessness”) are just some of the best Korean actors who appeared in this project. But what especially attracts attention in it is Jeon Do Yeon, who is definitely worth falling in love with. Unless of course you did it a few years ago (which is a big omission!)
Jeon Do Yeon is a chameleon actress. She started her career with light melodramas and romantic comedies, but has recently started to surprise with the depth of her heroines in action films and dramas. Do Yeon, 51, is not only attractive in appearance, but also professionally: her ability to act with only her eyes is perfectly suited to the main character of “Revolver”: former policewoman Ha Soo Yeon, who went to prison at the request of her lover. But! That’s not all.