How to Remove Fur and Hair from Carpets and Upholstery Without a Vacuum: 10 Tips

How to Remove Fur and Hair from Carpets and Upholstery Without a Vacuum: 10 Tips

In a house where a cat lives, everything becomes a little feline.

Do you have a pet? Then you know how ubiquitous wool can be. It’s usually removed with a vacuum cleaner, but what if it breaks or you just don’t want to remove it from a small area of ​​the carpet? There are several hacks that will help you in this case.

Use a rubber window squeegee

A window scraper, also called a water scraper, has a rubber or silicone strip and has a superpower that few people know about. If you need to remove hair from a carpet, take the tool, make sure it’s clean and dry, and run it over the surface in short strokes, then use your hands to pick up any loose hair that has clumped together in small piles.

Put on rubber gloves

All dog and cat owners, whose pets have free access to sofas, are delighted with this life hack. A rubber glove works even better than a vacuum cleaner and can also be used to thoroughly clean the space between the pillows. It’s very simple: put on a glove, wet it with water, and then rub the upholstery with movements in one direction.


Use a sticky roller

If you have a cat or a dog, you are sure that the roller itself and a supply of replacement units will also be in your closet. We usually use this tool to clean clothes, but in the case of carpets and furniture, they work just as well. By the way, pay attention: firstly, such rollers are reusable – made of silicone, and secondly, there are sticky mops with a long handle – both paper and silicone.

How to Remove Fur and Hair from Carpets and Upholstery Without a Vacuum: 10 Tips

remove hair without vacuum cleaner

Wrap duct tape around your hand

Of course, this trick is not suitable for large surfaces, but in the case of a small area it works very well: wrap your palm in adhesive tape with the sticky side out, and then “blot” the surface with it. This technique will be useful in another case: if you tear a seam and pull out threads, a narrow strip of adhesive tape will help remove the lint that then remains on the surface of the fabric.

Get a rubber brush to clean your hair.

As you can already guess, this tool is designed to remove pet hair – silicone bristles perfectly collect dust, dirt and hair, and the long handle and large size allow you to quickly clean large surfaces. This brush is also useful for regular cleaning – for example, it is very convenient for washing tiles in the bathroom.

remove hair without vacuum cleaner

remove hair without vacuum cleaner

Try a fabric softener spray

You may have already noticed that if you use a fabric softener when washing, less hair sticks to your clothes. The fact is that the product acts as an antistatic agent and this property can be used when cleaning. Mix the conditioner and water in a ratio of 1:3 in a spray bottle, spray it on the carpet, wait until it dries, and then remove the hair with any tool – you will see how much easier it will be to get rid of it. Enjoy a bonus: your home will be filled with a delicious aroma!

Use a dryer sheet conditioner

It works exactly the same way: it reduces the level of static electricity, which helps to “erase” the wool from the textiles. Of course, cleaning the entire carpet this way is not the easiest (or cheapest!) option, but if you need to clean a small area, soak a dry cloth in water and then wipe the surface with it – the material will collect all the hairs.

Use a wool brush

remove hair without vacuum cleaner

remove hair without vacuum cleaner

If you own a collie or a Persian cat, you probably have a collection of brushes for grooming their fur somewhere in your closet. Here’s the trick: Tools designed for pets can be surprisingly effective at removing debris from fabric surfaces. Grooming gloves are especially effective in this area because not only do they collect hair well, they’re also gentle on fabric. Neither the couch nor the carpet will be harmed.

Rub with pumice stone

This trick only works for low-pile carpets: rub them with a pumice stone (just make sure it’s dry first), and the porous stone will gather the wool into clumps, which can then be easily and quickly removed by hand.

Read also: 5 Secret Cleaning Ingredients to Make Old Carpets Look New Again

Get a mechanical vacuum cleaner

how to remove hair without a vacuum cleaner

how to remove hair without a vacuum cleaner

This is a very simple device, consisting of a plastic container for collecting waste, to which brush rollers are attached, which rotate when moving and collect hair. Such a device costs from 500 to 2,000 rubles – a very modest sum for the purpose of simplifying local cleaning.

Source: The Voice Mag

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