Differentiating the effects of the condition with heart problems may not be an easy task.
Anxiety symptoms can be physical, as can most conditions that affect mental health. After all, what happens in the brain affects the body and vice versa. But do you know how to differentiate these signs caused by anxiety?
Fear, insomnia, difficulty concentrating and agitation are some common characteristics of anxiety. However, in some cases, the disease can also manifest itself in other ways. Therefore, with the help of cardiologist and pacemaker specialist, Dr. Roberto Yano, we have separated the five main physical symptoms of anxiety. Check out:
Symptoms of anxiety that manifest in the body
1 – The heart beats fast
“The feeling of stress and anxiety causes the body to release more adrenaline, a hormone that increases the heart rate. That’s why there is a change and acceleration in the heartbeat. On the other hand, the opposite also happens. Patients feel a change in their heartbeat, they treat it as if it were anxiety, they spend a lot of time looking for me, and when I evaluate them, they actually have a cardiac arrhythmia,” says the cardiologist.
2 – Vertigo
One of the main physical symptoms of anxiety is dizziness. Patients often report this type of problem, especially during the most acute attacks, or when they are in closed environments with many people. “This dizziness can lead to fear of leaving the house, falling, arriving in a crowded place and getting sick,” says Dr. Yano.
3 – Shortness of breath
“Shortness of breath is usually accompanied by palpitations. In stressful situations, you should try to calm down. And if the anxiety attack does not pass, consult a doctor,” warns the specialist.
4 – Tingling in arms and tongue
“This tingling can happen because of the release of adrenaline. The body knows that you are preparing for a fight-or-flight situation. The body starts directing blood flow to the muscles to make them stronger and stiffer,” explains Dr. Yano.
5 – Fatigue
“There are several diseases that can make a person feel tired, such as hypothyroidism, heart failure, anemia and even depression itself. The recommendation is not to self-medicate without knowing the diagnosis,” comments the doctor.
What to do when you identify the symptoms
Physical symptoms of anxiety are easily confused with other illnesses. But the opposite can also happen. You may think that the problem is due to your mental condition, and in reality, there is some other serious illness affecting your body. Therefore, it is always best to give priority to medical evaluation.
“The guideline is to seek help from appropriate professionals, such as psychologists, psychiatrists, to exercise, to follow a good diet, to have a hobby, to spend time with family. This set of actions will help you live longer and with a better quality of life. Anxiety is always a diagnosis of exclusion. For patients who come with cardiac symptoms, a thorough investigation of all their symptoms is always necessary,” concludes Yano.
Source: Terra

Ben Stock is a lifestyle journalist and author at Gossipify. He writes about topics such as health, wellness, travel, food and home decor. He provides practical advice and inspiration to improve well-being, keeps readers up to date with latest lifestyle news and trends, known for his engaging writing style, in-depth analysis and unique perspectives.