Do you often have repeated dreams? understand the meaning

Messages from the unconscious signal what you need to fit in in life

Sometimes dreams are random, unique and you will never have them again in your life. And other times, you always have the same dream. Does it have any meaning? Do they want to tell us something? Yup! And you should pay more attention to this.

meaning of repeated dreams

Imagine the following situation: A parent receives a child’s attention and does not listen to advice. The tendency is for the father to repeat the lesson to be taught and speak even louder, in an urgent attempt to get the child to listen, right? So it is. The unconscious does the same in our life.

The unconscious warns us through dreams. If we don’t pay attention or don’t understand his message, he will send us more dreams, portraying the same message. It can be with different settings, people and circumstances, even if the plot is the same. If it doesn’t work, repeat a dream.

And if we persist in not getting the message of the repeated dream, then the unconscious launches dreams loaded with more drama, as a strategy to really be heard – it presents us with a nightmare.

What to do?

Each case is different. The dream interpretation process is complex. They are not literal or simply premonitions. It is necessary to dwell on the metaphorical language of the dream, be it a nightmare or simply a nightmare that is repeating itself.

But, in both cases, the urgency is great, as we are most likely behaving in a way that is not appropriate for our present moment. Understand the symbolism of dreams here.

Therefore, it is advisable to develop a more aware, mature and responsible attitude towards a certain area, relationship or life situation that dreams are showing you.

If you need help understanding your questions, the Personare has a team of therapists who can help you online. Check it out here!

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Yub Miranda (

– Numerologist, astrologer and tarot reader.

Source: Terra