Older dogs: 5 common diseases to watch out for

Older dogs: 5 common diseases to watch out for

It is important to know which diseases affect older dogs the most, take care of them, recognize the signs and keep them healthy.

According to the dogs agethey become more susceptible to certain diseases. This is normal, after all the animal’s body undergoes changes and often becomes more vulnerable. However, every owner wants to keep their four-legged friend close to them for as long as possible and, therefore, it is essential to know how to recognize these pathologies.

“As the life expectancy of dogs increases, we are seeing diseases directly related to age more frequently. Knowing these conditions and understanding their impact on the animal’s life helps in prevention and encourages regular visits to the vet,” says Marina Tiba, veterinarian and Product Manager of the Pet Unit at Ceva Saúde Animal.

Let’s see below some of the main pathologies of elderly dogs and some of their characteristics:

Heart disease

These are some of the most common diseases in older dogs. Heart problems can vary, but the early symptoms are generally the same: dry cough and tiredness during simple activities.

Even if these signs do not appear, dogs should undergo cardiac evaluations starting at age 5 as a presumption.

Dental problems

Older dogs are prone to tartar buildup, plaque, periodontal disease and oral tumors. Therefore, tooth brushing should be started as a puppy to prevent problems. Periodic evaluation and cleaning of the oral cavity are also essential, especially as teeth age.


You may already know that cataracts in humans are a disease that is more likely to appear with age. But did you know that this also applies to dogs? This problem causes clouding of the lens and can manifest itself in a total or partial form, arising both due to age and other pathologies and conditions, such as diabetes.

Surgery is available for this, but is not always indicated. It is often best to make changes to each area to make the place safer for your dog.

Orthopedic problems

Because older dogs may have signs of wear and tear on their joints, it is common for them to suffer from joint pain and diseases such as osteoarthritis. In this case, the main symptoms are slower locomotion, difficulty accessing higher places, resistance to longer walks, and, in times of pain, pets may show some resistance to touch in the joint area.

The problem is even more common in obese dogs, so improving this problem is important to prevent or treat this type of disease. In some cases, the veterinarian may prescribe specific medications to reduce pain and nutritional supplements that help maintain and protect the joints.


Tumors and nodules can be the first signs of cancer, especially in older dogs. Signs such as swollen lymph nodes, lumps on the pet’s neck, armpits and back, and wounds that do not heal are important warnings.

In other cases, such as lymphomas and leukemias, the first signs can be seen in routine blood tests. Early diagnosis is crucial, as it increases the chances of effective treatment, which may include surgery and chemotherapy, depending on the pet’s health condition.

Source: Terra

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