High temperatures and crowding on beaches and swimming pools can trigger various health problems; Find out how to enjoy the hottest season of the year in complete safety
During the summerrising temperatures and greater exposure to the sun can favor the appearance of some conditions typical of this season: virusburns, ringworm, food poisoning, dengueamong others. They are not exclusive to this period, but tend to be more frequent at this time of year, when there is a combination of climatic and behavioral factors accounting for the increase in cases.
To prevent health problems, it is essential to take some precautions, especially with children and the elderly. Below, find out what are the main health problems that appear during the summer and how to avoid them.
1. Mycosis
Mycoses are frequent fungal infections in the summer period due to increased humidity and heat, which favor their growth mushrooms. They can appear anywhere on the body, but regions such as the feet, groin, and areas between the toes are more prone to these infections, especially when there is excessive sweat and damp clothing.
“There are different types of fungal infections that affect the skin, hair and nail. They all fall under the umbrella that people call mycosis”, underlines dermatologist Andrey Malvestiti, of the Israelite Albert Einstein Hospital.
The most common mycoses appear between the fingers (so-called chilblains), on the nails, in the folds of the body (groin and under the breasts), on the scalp and spread on the trunk (like the so-called white chilblains). fabric). They cause itching, scaling and redness. If these symptoms appear, it is important to see a doctor.
To prevent mycosis, keep the skin dry and ventilated (especially between the fingers and the groin area); wear light clothing, with fabrics that facilitate the evaporation of sweat, and change wet clothing immediately after using the swimming pool, entering the sea or carrying out activities. exercises.
Furthermore, it is essential to avoid walking barefoot in public places. “A tip to keep the areas between the toes dry is to use a hairdryer on cold or complete the drying with a piece of toilet paper, as it has a high absorbency,” advises Malvestiti.
2. Geographical animal
The geographic bug is an infection caused by larvae of parasites that are found mainly in environments contaminated by dog and cat feces, such as sand. beach and areas of moist soil. “When a person steps on contaminated soil, the larva penetrates the skin and walks slowly. [o bicho geográfico] It owes its name to the sinuous lines that form on the skin, resembling a geographical map”, explains the dermatologist.
The larva is microscopic, so it can penetrate intact skin. Symptoms include intense itching and the appearance of this “red streak” on the skin.
To avoid this, avoid walking barefoot in risk areas and maintain adequate hygiene. If an infection occurs, treatment involves the use of topical or oral medications, according to medical advice. “After the treatment, the skin peels off, is renewed and no scar remains,” emphasizes the doctor.
So-called water- and food-borne diseases (DTHA) can cause gastric and intestinal infections, popularly called food poisoning. They occur due to ingestion of contaminated water or poorly stored or improperly handled food in hot weather.
“In summer we are exposed to various situations that can have an impact on food preservation. High temperatures and poor food handling practices favor their proliferation bacterial and toxins”, warns infectious disease specialist Emy Akiyama Gouveia, of the Israelite Albert Einstein Hospital.
It is important to underline that contaminated foods do not always have an unpleasant taste or appearance. Some examples of causative agents of these infections are bacteria (Salmonella, E.coli, Staphylococcus), virus (rotavirus, norovirus) and parasites (such as giardia). The most common symptoms are diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and, possibly, fever.
To prevent these infections, it is essential to maintain adequate hand hygiene when handling or eating foods (this can be done by using 70% alcohol gel or soap and water if hands are visibly dirty); drink only waterfall drinkable and of good quality; maintain good food handling practices and pay attention to those that require refrigeration.
6. Viruses
Al virus They are also very frequent in summer due to the rise in temperatures and the greater movement of people in public places. During this season, respiratory, gastrointestinal and even mosquito-borne viruses, such as dengue and Zika, become more widespread.
Symptoms vary depending on the type of virus, but can include fever, headache, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
“In summer, in general, we change our habits, we eat differently, the risks increase. The prevention measures are the same as those for food poisoning. Maintaining good hand hygiene is essential to try to minimize these virus,” recommends Gouveia.
7. Dengue, zika and chikungunya
The proliferation of mosquitoes carrying infectious diseases, such as dengue, zika AND chikungunya – is favored when temperatures are higher. Combining this factor with rain, which favors the maturation of mosquito eggs deposited in the environment, cases of transmission increase significantly.
These diseases cause symptoms such as fever, muscle pain, spots on the skin and, in more serious cases, can lead to complications. Dengue can cause bleeding, Zika can affect fetal development during pregnancy and chikungunya causes intense joint pain.
“It is important for people to take preventative measures. It is essential to eliminate stagnant pockets of water, such as in pots, tires and containers, which serve as breeding grounds for mosquitoes,” explains Gouveia. Also use light-coloured, repellent clothing and, if possible, install mosquito nets on the windows of your home.
It’s also worth remembering that they are there vaccines against some arboviruses, including yellow fever and dengue. Node Unified Health System (SUS)The dengue vaccine is available for children and adolescents aged 10 to 14 years. In the private network QDenga is available to children aged 4 and over, adolescents and adults up to 60 years of age. The yellow fever vaccine is part of the National Immunization Program (PNI) and is available free of charge through the SUS throughout Brazil.
8. Conjunctivitis
THE conjunctivitis This is an inflammation of the conjunctiva (white part of the eyes) which can be more frequent in summer due to greater exposure to environments with high circulation of people. The disease can be caused by viruses, bacteria, allergies or chemicals (for example through contact with substances such as sunscreen).
It is important to emphasize that the only conjunctivitis transmitted between people is infectious, caused by viruses, bacteria or fungi. “In summer, viral conjunctivitis is more widespread and the main responsible agent is the adenovirus, which is highly contagious through contact between people”, warns Adriano Biondi, ophthalmologist at the Israelita Albert Einstein Hospital.
Adenoviruses are responsible for approximately 90% of contagious conjunctivitis. Common signs and symptoms, in general, include red and watery eyes, an itchy sensation, swelling of the conjunctiva and eyelids, the appearance of discharge and, in more severe cases, the formation of membranes in the eyes.
It is important to consult a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment. “Often a person has viral conjunctivitis and cures it antibiotic in the wrong way”, warns Biondi. When the acute phase ends, vision can be compromised. “It is important that the treatment is carried out carefully. If a person has decreased vision after conjunctivitis, he or she should use medications for a few weeks. If not treated properly, it can permanently impair vision,” concludes the ophthalmologist.
Source: Terra

Ben Stock is a lifestyle journalist and author at Gossipify. He writes about topics such as health, wellness, travel, food and home decor. He provides practical advice and inspiration to improve well-being, keeps readers up to date with latest lifestyle news and trends, known for his engaging writing style, in-depth analysis and unique perspectives.