Gracyanne Barbosa was called to the confessional and had to undergo medical treatment at BBB 25; the muse felt nausea and vomiting
The fitness muse Gracyanne Barbosa (41 years old) was called to the confessional this Monday 20th to undergo medical treatment at BBB 25, on Globo. The star said the program’s doctor asked to do a consultation with her after seeing the brunette’s attitude during childbirth. In an interview with CARAS BrazilDr. Maria Clara Martinsendocrinologist, metabolologist and nutritionist, explains what happened to his sister.
Gracyanne Barbosa said she felt sick because of Xepa’s diet on Big Brother. The star felt sick in the bathroom and vomited. Then, the program team called her for medical treatment in the confessional.
The model follows a very regimented diet to maintain her body, even revealing that she eats 40 eggs a day to get the results she wants. According to Dr. Maria Clara Martins, this lack of eggs could impact Gracyanne Barbosa.
“The lack of this food in the Xepa diet can cause nutritional imbalances, even if for a short period of time, such as loss of muscle mass and reduction of energy, since proteins are essential for the body’s recovery after a workout intense. It usually does.” declares.
Upon returning home, Gracyanne Barbosa said her doctor advised her to limit her diet to rice and beans, but she refused. Dr. Maria Clara thinks this could be a good tip for the fitness muse.
“Although they do not completely replace the benefits of egg whites and whey proteins, they are a practical and valid option within Xepa, which helps provide energy and preserve muscle mass as much as possible. But be careful, we are talking about a less worse solution and for a short period of time, in real life saying that eggs could be replaced by rice and beans would not make any sense”I notify.
Gracyanne Barbosa confessed to suffering from nausea due to the xepa diet: “Ever since I ate, I have been vomiting because my body is not used to it.” The nutritionist explains that the reaction of the fitness muse’s body is entirely expected.
“When someone is used to a very specific and restrictive diet like yours, switching to a diet with different macronutrients and food sources can cause gastrointestinal disorders (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea). The body, in this case, is not prepared to develop a diet so different from his previous routine”currency.
It’s worth mentioning that Gracyanne Barbosa followed a very different diet when she was away from reality TV. He ate 40 eggs a day and sweet potatoes. Now he has to eat other foods, such as rice, beans, meat and vegetables. As for the model’s diet, the expert says that it is something quite restrictive and personalized, aimed at her specific needs as an athlete and fitness influencer.
“This diet, therefore, is not recommended for most people without an accurate medical evaluation. It can be excessively restrictive for those who do not practice intense physical activity or have a different metabolism, and can lead to nutritional deficiencies, liver and kidney overload and imbalances hormonal imbalances and can also lead to an increase in body fat if the level of exercise is not compatible with the caloric intake of the diet”, concludes the doctor evaluating the case of the fitness muse Gracyanne Barbosa.
Source: Terra

Ben Stock is a lifestyle journalist and author at Gossipify. He writes about topics such as health, wellness, travel, food and home decor. He provides practical advice and inspiration to improve well-being, keeps readers up to date with latest lifestyle news and trends, known for his engaging writing style, in-depth analysis and unique perspectives.