Brazilian research shows the powers of manocation to the intestine

Brazilian research shows the powers of manocation to the intestine

The study lists nutrients and compounds that favor the intestinal microbiota and indicate benefits for those who cannot consume gluten; Learn how to include the root in the menu

Until recently, the maniocAlso called Manioca or Wahoo, it was simply seen as a source of carbohydrates. But currently the root has been distinguished for studies by concentrating other protective substances. One of the recent works was published in November in the scientific journal Food Research International.

The research reveals that food nutrients work in the microbiota and bring benefits to those who cannot consume gluten – Proteins present in wheat, rye, barley and their derivatives. These groups are those who have celiac disease, autoimmune disorder that triggers diarrhea and even malnutrition; and carriers of gluten intolerance, marked by the difficulty of digesting it and this is behind discomfort such as gas and abdominal swelling.

In the study, varieties of cloaks cultivated in the northern and southern region of the country were used, which have undergone a detailed analysis of its chemical composition. “We identify the phenolic compounds, as well as the resistant and fruity-osocaride starch (Fos), which have a prebiotic action, which means that they favor the proliferation of bacteria beneficial that inhabiting the intestine“Comments Marciane Magnani, professor at the Federal University of Paraíba. He is a councilor of the doctoral thesis in food sciences and technologies that have originated research, by the food technologist Isis Meireles Mafaldo.

In a second phase, during the process there was a simulation of digestion to evaluate the behavior of nutrients. The cassava was subjected to each digestion phase: oral, gastric and intestinal. Simulated digestion has included from the addition of liquids similar to saliva, gastric and pancreatic juices, among others, to the changes of pH, as well as to the movements that imitate the peristant.

“The substances with prebiotic action have reached the intestinal environment, contributing to the balance of microorganisms”, says Magnani, who is also the national coordinator of the food science area of ​​coordinating the improvement of higher education staff (Capes ).

“The research also stressed positive impacts on the microbiota of volunteers with celiac disease, through the evaluation of the manoca digestive in the faecal fermentation, simulating what happens in the intestine,” says the researcher. Subsequently, through genetic sequencing, the bacterial communities and their metabolites (substances produced by microorganisms) have been identified, describing in detail how cassava acts on the microbiota.

Keep harmony in the intestinal ecosystem, with a greater concentration of beneficial bacteria than pathogenic aid, in the absorption of nutrients, reduces inflammation, contributes to immunity and even humor, according to various research.

For Giuliana Modanezi, Esinstein’s nutritionist exports and rehabilitation, from the Israelite hospital Albert Einstein, the study is welcome by evaluating an indigenous, easily accessible ingredient and enters as an option for celiacs, who tend to have very sensitive intestine.

Manioca in everyday life

In addition to the above substances that favor the intestine, the cassava offers nutrients such as potassium, cardiovascular ally; Magnesium, essential for the health of the bones; And vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant and protects cells. There is no wonder, the 21st century food was elected by United Nations (a).

To enjoy this wealth, one of the suggestions is to consume the cooked version in the water. “It can compose breakfast, lunch, dinner and intermediate snacks,” suggests the nutritionist.

Recalling that the root is a source of carbohydrates, the nutrient of the provision, therefore acts as an alternative to bread, ricebiscuits, pasta, among others. Variously daily foods is a way to get out of monotony, guaranteeing a more nutritious menu, with delicious culinary experiences.

The cassava is still beautiful in soups, puree and famous hidden, for example. Frying is another popular preparation. “This option should be savored on sporadic occasions, such as a weekend event or a party,” says Modenezi. After all, the quantity of calories actually increases when the food is immersed in oil.

Among the derivatives of the root, the tapioca Lately it has been the hottest, although it has been present in the Brazilian routine for a long time, especially in the northern and north regions -orientali. Made of cassava rubber, it can receive the most varied fillings, but traditionally it is usually accompanied by cheese and fish.

“It is important to underline that Tapioca has a high glycemic index, which means that it can quickly increase blood sugar levels,” says Einstein Nutritionist. To minimize this effect, the tip is to combine it with protein sources, such as cheese, egg or chicken. “If you want to increase even more, add chia seeds o flax seedswhich increase the fiber content and make the recipe more crunchy, “suggests. Therefore, the glycemic response will be gradual.

Another derivative that is successful and brings tradition is flour. Are the most diverse plots and flavors, from the most grainy to the thin, which act as an accompaniment to rice with beanFor example, or insert the farm ingredient. But it is worth avoiding excesses. “Flour can add many calories to the dish,” warns Modanezi.

Polvilho is another cooking classic from cassava. The acid type is the raw material of cheese bread, the candies are used to prepare sequels and biscuits. “The industrialized versions [desses pratos] They tend to have a lot of fat, while in homemade recipes, you can control the amount of these ingredients, “says the nutritionist.

Source: Terra

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