The maximum quantity will go from 20% to 15%; The goal is to reach 10% by 2026
The Federal Government intends to reduce, from 20% to 15%, the processing limit elaborated e Ultra -elaborate In the lunch of public schools, with the aim of reaching 10% until 2026. The measure will be formalized by President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva During the national meeting of the National School Feeding Program (PNAE), scheduled for this Tuesday 4, in Brasilia.
According to the government, the initiative should benefit from 40 million students in about 150,000 public schools, which provide $ 10 billion of meals per year. “The goal is to offer a healthier diet to students, with more balanced menus,” he says.
The measure also aims to regulate the acquisition of food with the PNAE resources through the family agriculturewith priority for the settlements of Agricultural reformindigenous and quilombola community, as well as formal and informal groups of women. According to the federal executive, at least 30% of the PNAE resources must be intended for the purchase of family agricultural articles.
During the meeting, the government should also launch the Food Note 10 project, which aims to allow the Pnae lunch and nutritionists in food and nutritional safety. The investment will be $ 4.7 million, in collaboration with institutions such as the National Education Development Fund (FNE), Itipipu Binacional and the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Southern Minas Gerais (IFSULDEINES).
What are transformed and ultra -elaborate foods?
According to the Nutrition and Health Research Center (Nupens) University of San Paolo (USP)The transformed and ultra elaborate foods are classified on the basis of the degree of transformation to which they are subjected.
- Elaborate: These are those who cross industrial processes that alter their nature, such as freezing, fermentation or pasteurization. Normally, these foods maintain their original characteristics, but may have added ingredients such as salt, sugar, oils and preservatives. Bread, cheese and canned vegetables are some examples.
- Ultra -despal: These are those who have suffered more complex industrial processes and contain a large amount of artificial ingredients, such as dyes, preservatives, stabilizers and aromas. These foods usually have little or no whole food in their composition and are rich in additive substances that are not found in domestic preparations. Examples include soft drinks, snacks and industrialized biscuits.
According to the food guide for Brazilian children under 2 years and food guide for the Brazilian population, ultra -elaborate foods should not be offered to children and must also be avoided by adults, since They are associated with diseases such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, hypertensionCardiovascular disease and some tumors.
In the evaluation of the epidemiologist Carlos Augusto Monteiro, creator of the term “ultra elaborate” and coordinator of Nupens, the analysis of the age reveals that the older is the person, the lower the consumption of ultra elaborate. On the other hand, the younger, the greater the consumption, with teenagers who are the group that consumes these products most. “This shows that habits and preferences are formed by childhood”, Monteiro said, in an interview with Estodão.
According to the doctor, ultra -elaborate people have a great responsibility in increasing the levels of obesityillness that It became an epidemic in Brazil and in the world. For Monteiro, one of the main ways to reverse this picture is to adopt a healthy diet, something simpler than you think.
“It is a diet very similar to what our grandparents have consumed. Basically, part of the food we consume should go through the kitchen. Today, a lot comes from the factories and this is not natural.”
Source: Terra

Ben Stock is a lifestyle journalist and author at Gossipify. He writes about topics such as health, wellness, travel, food and home decor. He provides practical advice and inspiration to improve well-being, keeps readers up to date with latest lifestyle news and trends, known for his engaging writing style, in-depth analysis and unique perspectives.