Does beer really make you fat? How to stay healthy without stopping drinking

The nutritionist explains how to keep the balance for those who like that cold beer

One of the main beliefs that exist is that beer makes you fat. But the truth is, maybe that’s not the case. “If consumed in moderation it can be part of a balanced lifestyle because, like wine, it contains antioxidants and some vitamins and minerals from cereals such as corn, rice, wheat and hops”, explains Andrea Zaccaro, master nutritionist in health sciences. of the ABC School of Medicine.

In this way, with the help of the expert, we have separated five curiosities about the drink. Does beer really make you fat? Watch:

Beer that makes you fat? 5 facts about drinking

1. Beer doesn’t make a tummy come. This is the most famous beer myth, but science has already shown that, when consumed in moderation, beer is not responsible for weight gain or abdominal fat. According to Andrea, studies have shown that what makes you fat is not the beer itself, but its excessive consumption or the excessive consumption of accompanying fatty foods, the famous snacks, which are often combined with the drink.

2. Beer is a low calorie drink. A 350ml beer has around 120 calories and contains compounds that can contribute to health, such as antioxidants and low alcohol content, for example. The higher the alcohol content, the more caloric the beer: each gram of alcohol equals 7 kcal. That is, a single malt beer can contain a higher alcohol content and end up being more caloric than a corn beer, for example. Compared to other drinks such as wine, beer can be considered a low calorie drink.

3. The quality of the drink does not depend on the quantity of ingredients on the label. The nutritionist explains that the nutritional quality of beer is related to the range of nutrients it provides and not necessarily the quantity of ingredients on the label. A beer can be good when made with more than just water, malt and hops, for example. And it can be made with rice, wheat, corn, red fruits, and even honey, which can add other nutrients to its composition.

4. Beer can reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. According to Andrea, many studies show that, contrary to the negative effects caused by the excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, moderate consumption produces positive effects on the antioxidant capacity, on the lipid profile and on the coagulation system, which are reflected in a lower risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. diseases, among others, reducing overall mortality. Beer is among the drinks whose moderate consumption can be beneficial, but it is important to note that, according to studies, the beneficial effect only occurs with moderate consumption. That is, up to one dose per day for women (350 ml) and two doses for men (700 ml).

5. The drink contains antioxidants which can contribute to health. Beer is produced from natural ingredients, including hops, which in addition to giving the drink the characteristic bitterness, offers a good amount of antioxidants, substances capable of preventing the formation of free radicals or blocking their harmful action for the body. .

Source: Sports life.

Source: Terra