3 colors that complement the green

Find out which shades create the perfect combination to make the palette of your dreams come true

We have all the favorite colors. But buying a new shoe in our favorite shade doesn’t seem like a commitment as much as painting a room with it, so if you’re a fan of green like us, it’s nice to know the 3 colors that complement you and how to use them in your home.

Verdant, sage, emerald, aqua, forest – whichever shade appeals to you the most, it will have a color scheme to match.

Whether you choose a tonal match (different shades of a color), a harmonious match (colors that lie next to each other on the color wheel) or a contrast scheme (colors that are directly opposite each other on the color wheel), knowing which shades combine with green makes it much easier to guide your decorating projects.


Combine a calm green, like sage, with a muddy pink for a calm, soft color wedding.

Sage green is the perfect background and has a soft softness ideal for large and small rooms. With its connection to nature, this medium green has calming qualities that are clamoring to marry a sweeter shade.

So bring a light pink. Burnt pink has the same shades as sage green and therefore won’t compete when paired. Not as flashy as baby pink, her look can make a cold room a little warmer without overwhelming the color palette.

When it comes to introducing patterns, small-scale examples of fabrics or backgrounds would work well with this combination, but keep the shapes flowing rather than angular or geometric.

Don’t be afraid and use this pale green hue on walls, ceilings and wood to create an engaging and welcoming space. Elevate the scheme by adding soft pink fabrics and accessories.

eucalyptus green

Choose this gray-green shade if you want a quiet, classic home.

Combining eucalyptus with green sage is a perfect match. They are the ideal base for a modern country look, but can be rustic or more polished depending on the choice of accessories. They will work best in bright rooms, otherwise they can feel a little cold.

Keep it traditional by adding brass fixtures and darker shades of green like the forest, or give it a more contemporary vibe by mixing striped fabric and wallpaper, plus vibrant yellow highlights.

These shades work brilliantly in a kitchen, especially if it faces a garden.

“Green comes to life with lots of natural light. In a dark room, combine it with mid-toned wood to warm up,” says Justyna Korcyznska, color consultant at Crown.


This jewel-toned duo brings contemporary opulence to any space. Emerald green is full of vibrant richness and adds a sense of tranquility and depth.

Update this gemstone tone by pairing it with contrasting rust. This duo is inspiring and welcoming, ideal for a living area.

Though often associated with 1970s interiors, rust orange can still offer a contemporary look when paired with furniture and lighting in modern ways. Choose tactile fabrics like velvet displayed in minimalist or edgy designs.

Use pink as a neutral. A chalk pink background color serves as a reduced neutral that provides a subtle base for rust and emerald furniture and accessories.

“Deep jewel tones take on new life when paired with soft plaster roses and modern marble textures,” says Ginevra Benedetti, deputy director of Ideal Home.

* Through ideal houses

Source: Terra