You can trust them: meet the 4 most faithful zodiac signs

Being in a relationship requires a lot of trust on both sides. Therefore, communication with your partner is essential for maintaining the couple. It is always good to remember that fidelity depends on the character of each individual, and signs not mentioned in this list are not necessarily traitors. Astrology talks about the characteristics of each person and this list brings the natives who have the highest fidelity in their priorities. Find out now which are the 4 most faithful zodiac signs.

The 4 most faithful zodiac signs


Virgos are very cautious and look to all sides of the situation before entering a relationship. Because she only starts dating when she feels very safe, Virgo is totally dedicated to the relationship and partner, and the idea of ​​cheating doesn’t cross their mind. The goal of this native is to make the couple happy, always looking for methods and ways for lasting love.


Cancer could not be excluded from this list. This is the sign that she takes their commitments more seriously and when they are in a relationship they appreciate every moment they spend together. Highly attached to feelings, Cancer is the type who likes to stay, but rather to build a serious relationship with their partner. This native is not only loyal, but facing a case of betrayal becomes more bitter until he digested everything that happened.


Faithful and loyal are two words that are always mentioned when talking about Taurus. They take some time to establish a relationship with someone, which is why they are faithful and devoted when they start dating. The Taurus highly appreciates the stability of the relationship, thus maintaining his fidelity in all the relationships he enters, be it romantic or friendship.


Yes, Scorpio is one of the most faithful signs of the zodiac. Despite a reputation for relating to many people, this native really likes to have deep relationships that flow easily and are long lasting. He has fun with many until he starts dating, then, when they start their life together, loyalty becomes the law for Scorpio, who puts his partner’s wishes first.

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Source: Terra