16 weeks of pregnancy: baby development

Your baby is already around 11.6cm, about the size of a pear, at 16 weeks pregnant. The good news is that within a few weeks, you may start to feel it moving in your belly. The sensation, at first, is of a soft vibration. It even looks like a fish swimming or a butterfly flapping its wings. Delightful! Makes you anxious, doesn’t it?

Did you go to prenatal appointments? Your doctor will likely order some tests at this point, such as antibody tests, HIV, hepatitis, iron level, and others. That is if you haven’t asked this before. One important assessment is the protein in your urine. It can indicate whether you’re at risk of developing a pregnancy-threatening condition known as pre-eclampsia.

16 weeks pregnant: is your gut working?

Some mothers complain of constipation at this stage of pregnancy. This can happen due to the action of hormones, mainly progesterone, which affect the intestinal muscles, and also due to the growth of the uterus, which compresses the intestine and can block it. For relief, remember to eat right, get fiber, and drink lots of water. Regular exercise, such as walking, also helps.

Your baby at 16 weeks pregnant

At this point, your child even winces and smiles, but the movements are still involuntary, because he doesn’t yet control his muscles. Soon, soon, he’ll be able to. The baby is also able to open and close his hands, making movements with them – and this is what you should feel within a few weeks.

change of taste

One symptom reported by many pregnant women at this stage of pregnancy is a change in taste. On the one hand, the foods you used to dislike become appetizing. On the other hand, just smelling that old favorite of yours being prepared makes you sick. This is completely normal, and in most cases, preferences return to normal later, sometimes even before the baby is born. It’s another change that can be attributed to the flood of hormones invading your body.

It’s still:

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Source: Terra