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Does Drinking Coffee Increase Anxiety and Deprive You of Sleep? Discover the myths and truths about drinking

The caffeine and antioxidant active ingredients in coffee cause a number of effects on the human body. According to experts, most of them are beneficial when consumed in adequate quantities.

Many Brazilians’ day starts only after a good one Cup of coffee – and we start again with coffee after lunch. The drink is one of the country’s most traditional foods, but also the one that raises the most doubts. Drinking coffee increases anxiety? Cause gastritis? damages the sleep? THE Stage talked to specialists in the field to understand what the effects of coffee on the human body.

According to Bruno Mahler Mioto, a cardiologist who has dedicated his doctorate to the subject, and Juliana Gimenez Casagrande, a nutritionist who studies food science at the University of São Paulo (USP) and is also a beverage specialist, there is no reason be afraid of the possible negative side effects of coffee. This is because a number of recent studies prove it there are more benefits than harm to consuming the drink.

“Like any food, the big question is the amount consumed. Drinking coffee in excess can certainly bring some problems, but moderate consumption, as part of a healthy diet, only tends to bring benefits,” says Juliana.

In fact, science shows that drinking coffee daily in moderate amounts can do this decrease the chances of developing diabetes, heart disease, among other health problems. Plus, it can help with concentration as well memory.

Most of the studies conducted to date in Brazil in relation to coffee consider the drink filtered – the one filtered through a paper or cloth strainer – and demonstrate that the human body it just tends to have more severe side effects in people who aren’t in the habit of consuming the drink.

“If a person does not have the habit of drinking coffee and on a specific day decides to drink three or four cups of the drink, he may have an increase in blood pressure and cardiac arrhythmia, for example,” explains the doctor. The trend is that, with daily consumption, the human body gets used to caffeine and other substances present in coffee. “There’s a certain resistance created,” says Juliana.

How does coffee affect the human body?

The main compound of coffee is caffeinewhich has high stimulating power. This causes the drink to have some of its best-known effects, such as helping to stay more awake, willing And focused. That is, work together so that you have a better income at work, studies and when you practice physical activity.

What not everyone knows, however, is that this stimulating power of caffeine also contributes potential for physical symptoms to which the person is already sensitive.

“Caffeine penetrates receptors that we have distributed throughout the body, so when the person already has a sensitivity in the stomach, for example, they tend to produce more gastric juice and have symptoms of gastritis,” explains Juliana. “Coffee doesn’t cause gastritis, it just stimulates it,” she says.

The same is true when someone has intestinal sensitivity, for example: right after drinking coffee, they are likely to feel the need to go to the bathroom. If you suffer from migraines, a larger than usual dose of coffee can cause headaches. And so on.

In addition to caffeine, other substances are also present in the drink. Among them are the Chlorogenic acid, which has antioxidant power. It decreases the body’s ability to store saturated fat and reduces insulin resistance, contributing to overall health and preventing the development of diseases such as diabetes in those who are already predisposed to it.

“There are also a number of vitamins and minerals that make coffee a very rich food,” Mioto says. However, the doctor reiterates that the substances and their effects change according to the type of grain and the method of preparation.

“In filtered coffee, for example, oily substances tend to be retained in the filter, which is not the case in espresso – and these substances have the potential to raise cholesterol,” she says.

Relationship with anxiety

Due to its stimulating action, coffee can trigger anxiety symptoms if the person already lives with the disorder. However, Juliana says studies show that consuming coffee moderately and regularly—which causes a person to build resistance to caffeine, as she mentioned earlier—can help control anxiety and depression.

This is because caffeine, when consumed in moderation, positively affects mood. At the same time, it may have caffeic acid – another substance found in the drink anxiolytic and antidepressant effectas demonstrated by the first studies.

“We also cannot forget that coffee is associated with social habits of conviviality, which, in itself, increase levels of personal well-being,” adds Juliana.

A study developed by the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) and published in The world journal of biological psychiatry showed, for example, that people who consume coffee regularly have 50% less likely to cause suicide.

The ideal, according to the nutritionist, is for the person to do it drinking tests and figure out which ones consumption habits are ideal for her. If drinking coffee before already anxiety-provoking appointments worsens your symptomatic condition, it’s best to avoid drinking during these times, for example.

Mioto also recommends that in order to achieve ideal consumption, which causes more benefits than harm, it is important to do so Gradually add coffee to your diet. “First with milk, then you can increase the number of cups per day,” she says.

At some point, the person will reach a daily amount that keeps them awake and in a good mood, without causing discomfort.

Until what time do you drink coffee so as not to disturb your sleep?

In general, the experts recommend not drinking coffee after 6pm to avoid insomnia – especially those who have anxiety and already face the problem. However, Juliana explains that coffee interferes with sleep depends on genetic factors.

“Genetically, there are two main groups of caffeine metabolizers: fast metabolizers and slow metabolizers. long-term and with difficulty sleeping even hours after drinking coffee,” says the expert.

So again, what matters is the self-analysis. If the person drinks coffee and has a problem with insomnia, it is advisable to start testing, gradually reducing the time in which he drinks his last coffee of the day until he reaches an ideal moment that does not interfere with sleep.

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Source: Terra

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