“Top Gun: Maverick” Pays Tribute to Late Director Tony Scott

“Top Gun: Maverick” Pays Tribute to Late Director Tony Scott

As the end credits roll Top Gun: Hipster, Fans will see a familiar name appear at the memorial dedication: Tony Scott, director of the original best weaponWho committed suicide in August 2012.

More than ten years ago, when talk of a sequel began, Scott was part of the conversation; Now, in 2022, his presence is still felt. He’s with us now and he’s watching us and it’s a shame he can’t be here, but I think he is. [sequel director] Joseph [Kosinski] Phenomenal job done, skip what tonus “He did,” said producer Jerry Bruckheimer. THR The film’s world premiere in San Diego also reveals that members ScottOn the red carpet her family was ready.

Writer Christopher McCuarry added that Tom Cruise showed the film to Scott’s brother Ridley Scott after he finished it, when he spoke about the director’s legacy. “We are all here for the field. You have to remember that in 1986 when you saw top weapon top weapon there was not best weapon Still, the movies weren’t what they are now. best weapon “It was a tectonic shift and it’s a credit to the tone,” McCuarry said. “When Tony was filming, nobody was better, and I don’t think he was ever recognized in his life as a really influential and powerful filmmaker.”

The film grossed $160.5 million over Memorial Day weekend, making it the biggest opening ever for the holiday and also the biggest opening for a cruise ship.

The story first appeared in the June 1 issue of The Hollywood Reporter. Click here to subscribe.

Source: Hollywood Reporter

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