“Passages,” directed by Ira Sachs and premiering at the Sundance Film Festival, tells the touching story of Tom (Franz Rogowski) and Martin (Ben Whishaw), a married couple living in Paris. The film delves into the cracks that begin to appear in their relationship when it becomes clear that they are both at very different stages in their lives. While Martin longs for a quiet and stable life, Tom continues to yearn for adventure and begins a passionate relationship with Agathi (Adele Exarchopoulou).
“Passings” is a deep and painful dissolution of a love relationship, bringing it to an unrecognizable state compared to what it once was. Ira Sachs does a great job of guiding us through this emotional journey. Franz Rogowski gives an incredible performance as Tom; He manages to give the character dimensions that make us not agree with his decisions, but at least we understand them. Ben Whishaw and Adèle Exarchopoulos are excellent in their respective roles, providing Rogowski with the perfect partners to explore Tom’s complex emotional needs.
“Passages” is a film that immerses you in the complexity of human relationships and the decisions we face when the paths of life separate us. The film offers moving performances and a nuanced narrative that will make you think about love, connection and the pursuit of happiness in an ever-changing world.
Source: univision
Camila Luna is a writer at Gossipify, where she covers the latest movies and television series. With a passion for all things entertainment, Camila brings her unique perspective to her writing and offers readers an inside look at the industry. Camila is a graduate from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) with a degree in English and is also a avid movie watcher.