Former Flamengo player sues banks after being scammed;  understand

Former Flamengo player sues banks after being scammed; understand

Diego Ribas’ father transferred almost R$85,000 to scammers

The former footballer Diego Ribas sue the banks BMG AND Modal due to a coup. The information is taken from Ancelmo Gois’s article in the newspaper The globe.

The former Flamengo number 10 reports that, in April this year, his father, who has access to his bank accounts, transferred money to scammers and the bank did nothing to recover the stolen money.

Diego’s father received messages from scammers posing as one of his daughters. The former athlete sued the banks because he understood that both were responsible in the affair.

The total embezzlement in the accounts of the former player and current sports commentator TVGlobo it was almost R $ 85 thousand.

Source: Terra

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