Inep has released the dates of the National High School Examination (Enem) 2024. Click and check the exam calendar!
To the Date Enem 2024 have already been released by the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep).
Enem 2024 will be applied two Sundays, in the days 3 and 10 November. Millions of participants must take part in the assessment which allows students to compete for places on degree courses.
Around 3.9 million candidates registered for the latest edition of the exam, but an average of 2.7 million took part in the tests.
In the months of February and March of this year, Inep carried out a survey on participation in Enem 2023. In the survey, those registered for the last exam answered questions regarding everything, from the process of preparing for the tests to the logistics on the day of the tests.
Date Enem 2024
See the Enem 2024 dates below:
Registration: 27/05 – 07/06
Exams: 03/11 – 10/11
Result: 13/01
What will the Enem 2024 tests be like?
The 2024 Enem tests will consist of 180 objective questions and an essay. Find out what the exam will be like:
1st day | Sunday 3 November
Languages, codes and their technologies
Human sciences and their technologies
2nd day | Sunday 10 November
Mathematics and its technologies
Natural sciences and their technologies
Check out the composition of Enem 2024 tests in the image below:
What is Enem 2024?
The National High School Examination (Enem) is an assessment applied annually by Inep to millions of students from all Brazilian regions. Currently, the exam represents the main route of access to higher education, both public and private.
Registration for Enem is done online on the participant’s page. To register, the student must be registered with the account, the single login for the federal government’s digital services.
Participation in Enem is free for those enrolled in the third and final year of high school, as well as for candidates who are entitled to exemption from the test registration fee. With Pé-de-Meia, students who benefit from public policies will receive R$200 after participating in the Enem tests.
Check out previous Enem exams on this page.

Where to use Enem 2024 grades?
Enem 2024 grades can be used to apply for places in higher education, both in public and private universities (with or without a scholarship).
The Ministry of Education (MEC) has the following selections that use the Enem score:
Unified Selection System (SiSU): With enrollments open once a year, SiSU accepts the latest Enem score and offers places in public educational institutions.
University for All Program (ProUni): There are two enrollment deadlines per year. ProUni offers scholarships (total and partial) at private colleges throughout Brazil to students who have participated in one of the last two editions of Enem.
Student Financing Fund (Fies): with two enrollment deadlines, Fies provides financing for the payment of monthly fees for higher education courses at private institutions. One of the new features of the program are the Fies Social job offers, aimed at low-income students who will be able to finance up to 100% of their school expenses. Those who have taken any Enem test since 2010 are eligible to participate.
Remembering that MEC programs reserve places for specific groups of students such as self-reported Black, Brown or Indigenous students and Persons with Disabilities (PwD).
Additionally, some institutions promote their own selection processes that receive Enem scores as a form of selection. This is the case of the University Foundation for Entrance Exams (Fuvest), responsible for Enem-USP, which through Enem makes places available for the University of São Paulo (USP).
What to study for Enem 2024?
The contents covered in the Enem 2024 tests are those seen during high school. Brasil Escola has a list of contents for each topic that can be included in Enem 2024. Check it out here!
Furthermore, through the video lessons on the site, it is possible to review the most recurring topics and themes in the Enem tests.
Enem 2024 Writing
Essay Bank is a free tool that can help in the process of preparing for the Enem writing test.
A different theme is announced each month. Students can send their essays to be corrected by the team of teachers or by Iara, the Artificial Intelligence of Brasil Escola.
Find out more about the Writing Bank here.
Source: Terra

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