Tonight, the action movie Bullet Train is broadcast for the first time on TF1. Directed by David Leitch in 2022, this explosive and fast-paced entertainment (almost entirely set on the world’s fastest train) notably follows the misadventures of Cockinelli, a terribly unlucky hit man contacted at the last minute to fulfill a new contract. His colleague Carver is suffering from gastroenteritis.
At 1 hour, 44 minutes and 17 seconds…
Bullet Train, starring Brad Pitt in particular, but also Joey King, Aaron Taylor-Johnson or Michael Shannon, is one of those feature films that we recommend (re)discovering with a magnifying glass armed and index finger at the ready. to press the “Pause” button on the remote control.
With a few easter eggs (like many pop culture works), the feature film offers three delightful cameos: an appearance by Channing Tatum as a train passenger, another by director David Leitch, and finally, most notably…
… Ryan Reynolds will appear!
Indeed, if you press pause at 1 hour, 44 minutes and 17 seconds, on the scene where Michael Shannon explains his plan to Brad Pitt, you’ll see that a man named Carver – the agent that Ladybug was forced to replace. And whose movie villain seeks revenge at all costs – played by none other than… Ryan Reynolds.
When we know that one of David Leitch’s previous feature films was Deadpool 2 (a.k.a. Ryan Reynolds) and that Brad Pitt made a memorable little cameo – he briefly played an invisible man who was electrocuted – we understand better. what happened
Ryan Reynolds’s sneaky appearance at the end of Bullet Train is nothing more than a little elevator comeback from the actor. According to David Leitch Entertainment Weekly on the mic in 2022Thus, Deadpool’s interpreter agreed to play on one condition: that his cameo last the same length as Brad Pitt’s.
Notice the other wink in Bullet Train?
(Re)discover our “Voix Phew” with Jean-Pierre Michael, the French voice of Brad Pitt…
Source: Allocine
Rose James is a Gossipify movie and series reviewer known for her in-depth analysis and unique perspective on the latest releases. With a background in film studies, she provides engaging and informative reviews, and keeps readers up to date with industry trends and emerging talents.