Elections 2024: 67% have not yet chosen a councilor candidate in Sao Paulo, says Datafolha

Elections 2024: 67% have not yet chosen a councilor candidate in Sao Paulo, says Datafolha

The majority of those interviewed responded that they did not remember who voted for the position in the last elections

Research by the Datafolha institute shows that 67% of voters in the city of São Paulo have not yet decided who they will vote for as councilor on October 6. Another 33% declared that they had already defined their candidate for the City Council.

The groups with the highest percentage of undecided voters for the legislative elections are young people aged 16 to 24 (75%) and voters of José Luiz Datena (PSDB) – 85% of those who said they will vote for the tucano also responded that I still don’t know who will vote for the councilor.

Among the parties, 67% of those who have affinity with the PT and 66% of those who identify with the PSOL have also not decided on their vote. The percentage drops to 60% among those who support the PL, and reaches 71% in the case of voters who have no party preferences.

Datafolha also asked if voters know who they voted for as councilor in the last elections, in 2020: 56% said they did not remember him, 29% said they remembered him and another 15% said they did not go to vote at the last elections.

The institute interviewed 1,610 people between Tuesday 24th and Thursday 26th. The margin of error is plus or minus two percentage points and the confidence level is 95%. The research was registered at the Superior Electoral Court (TSE) with protocol SP-06090/2024.

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Source: Terra

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