Doctor and director of Lean Saúde, Francisco Junior presented examples of the use of technology at the Saúde Summit and Bem-Estar
Medicines, equipment, qualified professionals. Offer a good medical assistance It costs money, and making it accessible to more people is a tough score to settle. But the artificial intelligence can help find answers to this question, according to Francisco Junior, doctor and technological director of the startup Lean Saúde, a data analysis and intelligence company for optimization of healthcare management.
“Efficiency leads a lot to avoidable costs and we have a health system, both in the SUS (Unified healthcare system), and in complementary healthcare, which must outline strategies to reduce costs and failures”, stated the executive in Health and Wellness Summitcarried out by Estadao this Monday, 2pm.
“It’s about targeting waste, which is fraud, bad advice or errors of conduct and not what is actually needed,” Junior added.
Brazil is experiencing a concentration in the health plan market that affects consumers by reducing options and resources for negotiation. The difficulty of competition is imposed, among others, by the high costs of the service, which ends up suffocating small and medium-sized businesses.
As demonstrated by Estadaothere has been in recent years a increase in acquisitions from healthcare giants. When one healthcare operator buys another, there is a reduction in the number of competitors and a verticalization of the management of clinics and hospitals. This allows operators to exercise greater control over referral services.
Tools to optimize the system
Creating tools so that smaller operators can remain on the market, even competing unequally with larger ones, is essential to maintaining healthy competition in the complementary healthcare sector. And artificial intelligence, in this sense, can collaborate by organizing data and identifying points of potential optimization.
“We have high-cost surgeries, for example, which are not always well indicated (…) In one of our cases, we identified a medical surplus of more than R$ 38 thousand in procedures and materials requested in excess or not necessary” , said the director.
The Lean Saúde system identifies reimbursement fraud, absences in requestsbeneficiaries consider it high cost, which patients can be discharged with the release of a home care (cheaper than maintaining hospitalization) and which surgeries do not have an adequate recommendation.
According to the executive, identifying these wastes, failures and frauds in requests for procedures, tests and hospitalizations can contribute to the sustainability of the system, including the SUS, which has the challenge of serving as many people as possible, with the resources at its disposal.
The executive stressed, however, that it is necessary to reconcile intelligence, which focuses on spreadsheets and health system data, with human and medical analysis. “We monitor the efficiency of highly complex hospitalizations with qualified medical visits every two or three days to understand the patient’s condition and whether he can now move to a less complex hospitalization,” he exemplified.
On October 13 and 14, the “Health and Wellness Summit: Has the Future of Health Arrived?” took place at the JK Iguatemi Shopping Event Space in Sao Paulo. See other topics discussed in this edition here.
Source: Terra
Rose James is a Gossipify movie and series reviewer known for her in-depth analysis and unique perspective on the latest releases. With a background in film studies, she provides engaging and informative reviews, and keeps readers up to date with industry trends and emerging talents.