Warning, the following paragraphs contain spoilers for the episode of Un Si Grand Soleil airing tomorrow night on France 3! If you don’t want to understand anything, don’t read the following!
On Wednesday 30 October at Un si grand soleil…
A police investigation is underway
Muriel has taken the day off and plans to take advantage of it to visit the premises of her future company.
Meanwhile, Boris informs Elizabeth that Victoire has agreed to design the youth range. Relieved, the businessman asks him to arrange a meeting with the young woman as soon as possible.
In turn, Lauryn calls her mother and informs her that she cannot come to pick her up due to an emergency at the hospital. Since she has already vacated her room, Lauryn calls Elliott to pick up Katherine from St. Therese Hospital. He also asks her to help him settle into the house as he recovers. After hanging up, Elliot rushes off to do some research on the Laumiere family matriarch.
After that, Elliot goes to find Catherine. During the trip, the current flows quite well between them. Moreover, Catherine tells him that he reminds her of her late husband. After helping her settle into the house, Elliott gives her his business card before promising to call her if needed.
At the police station, Alex and Thierry are analyzing a drug trafficking case with Commissioner Beckett. The next day Noam has to collect the goods, the commissar orders them to be cornered.
A few paces away, Elliot receives a message from Curtis, who sets him up for the big race the next day with a bonus.
Serge recovers his memory
Serge leaves the hospital and goes to the scene of the attack accompanied by Manu, hoping to regain his memory.
The scared lawyer feels a little sick. That’s when the memories come flooding back. Serge was walking in the forest that day when he came face to face with a wild boar. Panic took out his gun and fired, but the bullet missed. Serge then retreated, but unfortunately stood up. As he fell, he hit his head on the ground until the boar hit him in the chest.
Later, Lionel Ribault arrives at the farm and apologizes to Ludo and Elodie. Indeed, the director of the hunters’ federation has just learned that it is a wild boar that is responsible for Serge Levars’ injuries.
Tom, on the other hand, is called to the police station. After telling her that the investigation is over now, Manu strongly advises her to stop fooling around. And the policeman insists that he should never see her in his office again.
Meanwhile, Ludo calls Alix and tells her that he has decided to stop the women. Of course, Alix makes fun of him. After hanging up, Ludo sees an injured woman sitting on the side of the road and goes to meet her.
Source: Allocine

Rose James is a Gossipify movie and series reviewer known for her in-depth analysis and unique perspective on the latest releases. With a background in film studies, she provides engaging and informative reviews, and keeps readers up to date with industry trends and emerging talents.