On Thursday the 12th the Chamber approved a bill which provides for the chemical castration of those convicted of pedophilia. The measure, the result of an amendment by former minister Ricardo Salles (Novo-SP), obtained 267 votes in favor and 85 against, as well as 14 abstentions.
The session was tumultuous between supporters and opponents of the government. While the opposition asked its MPs to vote in favor of the measure, the government bloc decided to reject the project. The federal college led by the PT instead granted the vote to its parliamentarians. In fact, of the 53 PT members present at the session, 33 voted against the project, while ten voted in favor of the text and another ten abstained.
Contrary to the indications of the party leader, Ana Paula Lima (SC), Dandara (MG), Adriana Accorsi (GO), Dr. Francisco (PI), Flávio Nogueira (PI), Ivoneide Caetano voted in favor of the law on chemical castration (BA), Joseildo Ramos (BA), Josias Gomes (BA), Merlong Solano (PI) and Zé Neto (BA). MP Reginaldo Veras (PV-DF), affiliated with a party that is part of the Brasil da Esperança federation with PT and PCdoB, also voted in favor of the text.
Deputies Alfredinho (SP), Bohn Gass (RS), Denise Pessôa (RS), Dilvanda Faro (PA), Jack Rocha (ES), João Daniel (SE), Kiko Celeguim (SP), Odair Cunha (MG), Valmir Assunção (BA) and Zeca Dirceu (PR) abstained. In total, twenty-one MPs contradicted the ruling bloc’s voting guidelines.
Of the three parties in the PT-led federation, the PCdoB was the only party with a unanimous vote. All six parliamentarians present at Thursday’s session voted “no” to the text.
Salles’ amendment, which provides for chemical castration, was accepted with the opinion of the text’s rapporteur, delegate Katarina (PSD-SE). The bill was drafted by Aluisio Mendes (Republicanos-MA) and also provides for the creation of a public register of those convicted of pedophilia, which will be organized by the National Council of Justice (CNJ).
Source: Terra

Rose James is a Gossipify movie and series reviewer known for her in-depth analysis and unique perspective on the latest releases. With a background in film studies, she provides engaging and informative reviews, and keeps readers up to date with industry trends and emerging talents.