Vitor Rocha and Silva was 23 years old and was from Uberlândia, Minas Gerais. He was in San Paolo traveling with his boyfriend and had come out for lunch when he was approached by the robbers.
The images show the two attacked by thieves, who fled aboard a motorcycle
? Filmed provided by the company Gabriel
– Estado? (@Estadao) January 24, 2025
Images from a monitoring camera in Rua Joaquim Antunes, in Pineswest side of San Paolocaught the moment when Two criminals rob and shoot against the young man Vitor Rocha and Silva, 23 years oldIn the afternoon of this Thursday 23. The boy, who was accompanied by his boyfriend, Felipe Lobato, 25 years old, was rescued and brought to the Hospital Das Clínicas, but did not resist.
The recording shows the two (both wear a shirt, shorts and flip flops) that go down the stairs and walk along the sidewalk (in the right corner of the recording). About a minute later, against the background of the image, it is possible to see a movement and a physical struggle between a group of people, who are the two attackers and the two victims.
You can see Silva, with a light shirt, run and fall to the ground. Lobato, wearing a dark shirt, crouches and welcomes the companion, who remains relaxed.
One of the robbers approached the couple and announced the robbery, asking for their cell phones and passwords. The devices were delivered. However, the victims said they did not remember the password and started to suffer attacks. At this moment, according to the military police, the second criminal appears, on a blue motorcycle.
Lovers reacted and physically quarreled with the bandits. Subsequently, the man who was beating Silva shot. One of the blows hit the boy on the right side of the chest and fell. Another bullet wounded the forearm. Lobato suffered knee injuries and above the chin because of the attacks.
The couple fled shortly after the shooting. The case was brought to the 14th police district, to Pinheiros.
“I tried to revive, stop the blood, revive, revive, we spent another five minutes to revive. Other people tried to help, until the arrival of the ambulance. He had already climbed the ambulance in poor condition”, he said to Estadao Lobato, who works in technological recruitment. “I lost the love of my life for a phone.”
Who was Vitor Rocha and Silva
Vitor Rocha and Silva was born in Uberlândia, in the TriGulo Mineiro. He lived in the city with his boyfriend and worked remotely at a computer systems company.
Graduated in international relations from the Federal University of Uberlândia, he reported on social media that he is interested in working professionally in the sectors of technology, logistics and foreign trade and already having experience with export and import operations.
On social media he liked to publish photos of his travels in Brazil and also in tourist places in European countries, such as Italy, Spain and France.
Silva had just returned from a trip to Belém, whom he had made with Lobato. The couple was traveling to San Paolo and was staying at the house of an aunt, where they had planned to stay until Saturday 25./Fábio Grellet and Juliana Domingo de Lima collaborated
Source: Terra

Rose James is a Gossipify movie and series reviewer known for her in-depth analysis and unique perspective on the latest releases. With a background in film studies, she provides engaging and informative reviews, and keeps readers up to date with industry trends and emerging talents.