“25 years ago, I was playing in one of my best movies”: Sylvester stallone regret that this thriller wasn’t evaluated

“25 years ago, I was playing in one of my best movies”: Sylvester stallone regret that this thriller wasn’t evaluated

Sylvester stallone, obviously rocky, rambo and expendables. If you ask him what a film he prefers in his fruitful career, he is not sure he paints in these musculoskelets, which made him a world star. Evidence? Miss Instagram’s accountThe Hollywood actor once again showed his love for one of his lesser (re -famous) works: Thriller receives Carter.

“It is interesting that 25 years ago I was playing in one of my best movies Get CarterDeclares Stallone (Which has been refused to make a figure in one of the largest works of all time). “And now, when I think about this movie, I tell myself that I was unconsciously preparing to finish Duite Manfred King of TulaWho was going to arrive after 25 years! Let’s just say Get Carter Is in advance King of Tula ! ”

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Get CarterIn 2001 he came out in theaters, is a remake of the film (less violent) in the 70’s. In the new version of the thriller, Stallone It depicts a dishonest, cold, ruthless and precise gangster who wants to revenge on his brother’s death. And in the series King of Tula From Taylor Sheridan, he performs a former sponsor of New York Mafia, who, after 25 years of imprisonment, decides to restore a new empire of crime.

Stallone no longer believes in remakes

“I believe or not, I think it Get Carter Was not really evaluated ”Said a star bodybuild in 2022 In the Hollywood Reporter’s microphone. “It was a great disappointment. I learned that when you make a remake, even if you do better than the original, there is a huge nostalgia for this original work.”

Stallone It will give you this tips: If you want to see her in a very good thriller, quickly discover a feature film Get Carter. And if you want to see her in the series that you immediately watch Get CarterStart quickly King of TulaAvailable on Paramount+ Platform!

Trailers “Get for Carter”:

Source: Allocine

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